To find a duplicate profile
1. Navigate to the member's profile that you want to keep. This is the member profile that's retained after the merge. Under the Actions dropdown menu, click Find A Duplicate to begin.
2. On the following page, search for the duplicate profile using the Search for a Duplicate Profile field. Type in at least 3 characters to conduct your search. You can merge up to two profiles at a time.
3. Select the duplicate profile. Next, select the attributes you want to keep from both the keeper and duplicate profile. You cannot merge member type, name, and status. You can edit the member's profile after you conduct the merge to update these fields.
In each dropdown menu, you can select which information is coming from the keeper or duplicate profile. Adjustments highlight in green.
4. Click Merge. The pop-up window displays a reminder that merges cannot be undone. When you're all set, click MERGE.
5. Click VIEW KEEPER PROFILE to view the newly merged member profile. The duplicate profile is moved to deleted status.