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What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic . You can connect Google Analytics to your MC Professional website for more detailed website statistics.
Before you begin
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is not supported with MC Professional's built-in settings. However, if you email help@memberclicks.com with your GA4 code snippet, our team can assist with your Google Analytics set up. Included in your GA4 code snippet should be a code that looks as follows: "G-########".
Example GA4 code snippet: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4
You will need to have an existing Google Analytics account set up to use this tool. Visit Google's website to set up a Google Analytics account.
To set up Google Analytics
1. In your Google Analytics account, click Admin.
2. Click Create Account and name it your organization.
3. Click Next.
4. Type in a Property name, then click Show Advanced Options.
5. Toggle on Create a Universal Analytics property. Type in your website url (after https://) then select Create a Universal Analytics property-only. Click Next.
6. Agree to the terms of service then click Create.
7. Copy to your clipboard the Web Property ID (Tracking ID) provided. Continue on to the next section for steps on pasting this in your MC Professional account.
To Add the Web Property ID in MC Professional
1. In your MC Professional administrator back end, navigate to Settings > Google Analytics.
2. To link your Google Analytics account in your MC Professional product, toggle the Enabled setting to Yes, then enter the Web Property ID (provided by Google).