What is it?
The Sponsor Ads Manager is where you can edit existing sponsor ads and create new ones. NOTE: The Sponsor Ads tool requires implementation by the MC Professional Design Team if they are not already included in your site design. If you're interested in learning about adding Sponsor Ads to your website, please contact the Help Team. Unlike a regular slideshow, the Sponsor Ad tool does not constantly rotate - rather, images in the Sponsor Ad will change as a member moves from page to page throughout your site.
We don't recommend copying, then pasting, content (e.g. text, images, graphics etc.) from outside sources into any WYSIWYG editor found in MC Professional. If you do, this may bring incompatible code into your website or email client. Content from outside sources may not display as intended.
How to Access
To access the Sponsor Ads tool, navigate to Website > Sponsor Ads.
Creating a New Sponsor Ad
1. To create a new Sponsor Ad, navigate to Website > Sponsor Ads and clicking on the New plus sign.
NOTE: First, make sure you have at least one Client set-up, as you will need to select one when creating your Sponsor Ad. You can set up a Client by clicking the Clients link in the upper left-hand corner of the page. You'll then see the below.
After you've created a client and are creating your new Sponsor Ad, follow the below steps.
2. Enter the Sponsor's name for the Name, then that same text in lowercase for the alias. Replace spaces in the name with dashes for the alias.
3. Select the Client Name from the drop-down.
4. If applicable, enter the Impressions purchased.
5. Input the Click URL.
6. Use the Image button to insert the Sponsor image you want to display.
7. Save.
Column Headers
Click on the column heading to sort the list by that column's value.
#: An indexing number automatically assigned for ease of reference.
Checkbox: Check this box to select one or more items. To select all items, check the box in the column heading. After one or more boxes are checked, click a toolbar button to take an action on the selected item or items. Many toolbar actions, such as Publish and Unpublish, can work with multiple items. Others, such as Edit, only work on one item at a time. If multiple items are checked and you press Edit, the first item will be opened for editing.
Name: The name of the Sponsor Ad. You can click on the name to open the Sponsor Ad for editing.
Client: The Client for this Sponsor Ad. You can store client information, like the contact name and phone number, in the Client itself.
Published: Whether the item has been published or not. You can change the Published state by clicking on the icon in this column. Unpublished sponsor ads will not appear on your website.
Order: The order in which to display items. You can change the order when editing individual sponsor ads.
Sticky: The Sticky setting allows you to give priority to specific sponsor ads. Marking an ad as 'sticky' doesn't make it appear more often; instead, it mean that only sticky ads will appear until the impression limit has been reached. If you have left the impressions limit as unlimited, then only sticky ads will appear and non-sticky ads will never show.
Impressions: The Impression count is the number of times the Sponsor Ad has been displayed. The first number in this column is the actual number of Impressions so far, and the second number is how many Impressions were purchased by the client. You can either monetize your sponsor ads by the number of Impressions purchased, or based on the amount of time the ad will appear on your site (ex. 1 month for $50 or 50 Impressions for $50).
Clicks: The first number is the total number of times the ad has been clicked since the counter was reset. The second number is what percentage of the time users clicked on the banner when it was displayed. Reset clicks monthly, quarterly, or yearly as needed.
Tags: Optional Tags to be used for displaying specific Sponsor Ads based on the content of the Article being viewed.
ID: The ID number. This is a unique identification number assigned automatically to each ad. It is used to identify the item internally and you can not change this number.
At the top right you will see the toolbar:
Publish: To publish one or more items, select them and click on this button.
Unpublish: To unpublish one or more items, select them and click on this button.
Copy: Select one or more items and click this button to copy them.
Delete: To delete one or more items, select them and click this button. The selected items will be deleted.
New: Click on this button to create a new item. You will enter the New page for this item.
Save: Saves your settings.
Cancel: Cancels your changes.
Track Banner Impression Times: Whether or not to count how many times a Sponsor Ad is displayed.
Track Banner Click Times: Whether or not to count how many times a Sponsor Ad is clicked.
List Filters
- Filter by Partial Title: You can filter the list of items by typing part of the title or the ID number. You can also select a Published State.
- Filter: In the upper left corner just above the column headings is a Filter field and two buttons, as shown below:
If you have a large number of sponsor ads, you can use this filter to find the desired item(s) quickly. Enter either part of the title or an ID number and press 'Go' to display the matching items. You can enter in whole words or part of a word.