What is it?
The Categories tab is where you are able to edit your existing Categories and add new ones. Categories are used to organize articles - every article will be part of one Category. Certain Menu Item types also utilize Categories to display the content, such as the "Category Blog Layout" and "Category List Layout".
How to Access
Access the Categories tab by navigating to Website > Categories.
Creating a New Category
You may add as many Categories as you'd like by following the steps below:
1. First, navigate to Website > Categories and click on the New plus sign.
2. Next, complete the below Category details and click "Save" when done.
- Title: The title for this Category. This may or may not display on the page, depending on the parameter values you choose.
- Alias: The internal name of the Category. The alias will auto-generate, and should consist of lowercase letters, and no blank spaces are allowed - use a hyphen (-) instead.
- Published: Whether or not this Category is published. Select yes or no from the radio button group to set the published state for the Category.
- Description: The description for the Category. Category descriptions may be shown on web pages, depending on the parameter settings. Category descriptions are generally for advanced users and are not required.
Column Headers
Inside the Categories tab, click on the column heading to sort the list by that column's value.
#: An indexing number automatically assigned for ease of reference.
Checkbox: Check this box to select one or more Categories. To select all Categories, check the box in the column heading. After one or more boxes are checked, click a toolbar button to take an action on the selected Category or Categories. Many toolbar actions, such as publish and unpublish, can work with multiple Categories.
Title: The name of the Category. You can open the Category for editing by clicking on the title.
Published: Whether the Category has been published or not. You can change the published state by clicking on the link in this column.
# Active: The number of active Articles within this Category. Active Articles include published, unpublished and archived articles but not Articles that have been moved to the trash.
# Trash: The number of Articles from this Category that are currently in the trash. These Articles can be seen in the Article trash area. An Article in the trash is still stored on the site and may be either restored or deleted permanently.
ID: The ID number. This is an automatically assigned unique identification number for this Category. It is used to identify the item internally and cannot be changed.
Towards the top-right you will see the following toolbar:
The functions are:
Permissions: To assign permissions to a Category, click the permissions icon. The permissions here dictate which Groups can view the Articles assigned to a particular Category.
Publish: To publish one or more Categories, select them and click on this button.
Unpublish: To unpublish one or more Categories, select them and click on this button.
Delete: To delete one or more Categories, select them and click this button. The selected items will be deleted. NOTE: Only Categories that do not contain any Articles can be deleted. Articles in the trash manager are still assigned to a Category.
New: Click on this button to create a new Category.
Help: Opens this Help screen.
List Filters
You are able to sort your Category list using one of the two filter options:
- Filter by Title: On the left-hand side, you can filter the list of Categories either by entering in part of the title, or the ID number. If you have a large number of Categories in the list, you can use this filter to find the desired item(s) quickly. You can enter in whole words or part of a word.
- Filter by Published State: On the right-hand side, you can filter the list of items by their published state: published or unpublished.