On this page
- Overview
- To create an event form
- To configure event form settings
- To configure event section settings
- Other event form sections
You can add an event section to a form to accept event registrations. With an event registration form, a form taker can:
- Register for an event
- Register a guest for an event
- Register multiple profiles for an event
- Pay for add-ons associated with the event
If the form-taker registers additional profiles or guests, the event section will replicate itself for each additional registration. This way, a form-taker can fill in a single event section to collect information for multiple users.
Exports from the submissions column export only the form-taker's information and non-event fields. Exports from the registrants column export the information of all profiles registered through an event form and exports them individually. Your spreadsheet will display a row for each registrant. Event exports only export information entered into an event section. Information entered in a non-event section can only be exported through the submissions column.
To create an event form
There are two ways to add an event section to a form:
1. Navigate to Forms > Form List. Click CREATE FORM.
In the Create New Form window, check off This form will be used for event registrations. Then, click SAVE.
2. You can add an Event Section to an existing form. Hover over a form in your Form List, then click the EDIT button.
You can add multiple event sections to a form.
On the left hand side, click Add Form Elements then Presentation. You can drag and drop an Event Section onto your form.
To configure event form settings
1. In the Form Settings tab, you can configure your General settings:
- Form Name: The name of the form that displays on your website, and internally
- Form Description: Displays internally, in the form editor
- Form URL: The form’s URL is how the form is accessed by admins and members (e.g. your-domain.com/2015-conference-registration)
- Form Status: You can change the status of your form to: Publish, Unpublish, and Archive
- Enable form expiration date: Toggle this option to ON, then set a date. The form status will change to unpublished when the date is through
2. Click Edit Group Permissions to set which groups have permission to access the form. If this event is open to the public, ensure that Prospect is selected. When an event registrant from outside your database starts the form, they are automatically added to your database as a prospect member.
3. Click Add a Date-Based Pricing Rule to create date-based pricing for early-bird specials or late registration rates. For a more in-depth explanation of this feature, click here.
4. Click Add Discount Code to create discount codes that override all other pricing on affected fields. To offer a membership discounts, Click Save, then select the Membership tab. Add the discounted price for each member type you want to discount. Only applicable member types will appear based on their pricing structure.
For more information, see our help article on discount codes.
5. Forward URL: Enter the URL to forward users to at the end of the form.
To configure event section settings
1. In your Event Section, click Properties.
The Registrant Name field is a required field and cannot be removed from the event section. The Register Guest and Register Linked Profile buttons display only if you've toggled ON Allow key contacts to register linked profiles and/or Allow guest registrations.
2. On the left hand side toolbar, you can:
- Name your event
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable this event section
- Add an Event Name
- Add an Event Date
- Toggle ON or OFF Require at least one registrant for this event
- Add a value to the Limit number of Registrants for event number field. If there is a limit in place, a small timer displays when a form-taker - registering through the form - is inactive for 1 minute. If they time-out, their submission will be cancelled
- Select an action in the Once registrant limit is reached dropdown menu:
- Disable this section
- Disable this form
- Toggle ON or OFF Allow key contacts to register linked profiles
- Toggle ON or OFF Allow guest registrations. Guests are added as member profiles to your database.
You can only register yourself once for an event, even if Multiple submissions is enabled on your form. Ensure you have Guest Registration enabled to register additional member profiles for an event.
- Add a value in the Limit number of guest registrants per submission number field
- Toggle ON or OFF Create prospect profiles for guest registrations
- Toggle ON or OFF Prevent guests from receiving member type pricing. This ensures guests are charged the public/prospect rate, if set-up
- Click the Edit Group Permissions button to configure which groups have access to the event section
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable field logic. See our help article for more information regarding field logic
- Click the ADD Field Logic button to configure field logic for this event section.
- Copy or Delete the event section. If this event section has submissions tied to it, the Delete button will be greyed out.
The Event Name and Event Date fields determine whether your event shows up in either your Upcoming Events or Past Event Attendance sections in your admin dashboard. If these fields are wrong, it may not display, or display under an incorrect name.
3. In your Event Section, click the Event Description text box, then the Edit Event Description button on the left hand side to edit the text.
4. Click the Add Form Elements tab to drag and drop any custom and built-in attributes you want to include in your Event Section. You can also include any presentation elements you'd like in the event section.
Additional fields must be added beneath the Registrant Name field.
Other event form sections
Login Section
A Login section is included with every form. We recommend enabling the login section unless you want all form submission to appear anonymous. For more information, see our help article on anonymous form submissions.
Confirmation emails do not send out to anonymous submitters.
Login Type
- Existing Users: Allows existing members to log in
- New Users: Allows non-members access to the form
Summary Section
A Summary section is included with each form. Click Properties on the form section to configure this section's settings. In this section, a member can enter Discount Codes, if available. Click Add/edit Summary Fields to select and display these fields in the form summary. The form-taker can review their form selections before moving on to the payment section.
Payment Section
This section includes credit card payment fields. Click Properties on the Payment Section to configure payment settings. In this section you can:
- Select a payment processor from the Payment Processor dropdown menu
- Select an invoice template from the Invoice Template dropdown menu
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable pay later with invoice. This option opens an invoice for the member. The member can log-in through their profile at a later date to settle the invoice
- Toggle ON Override invoice template's due date to select a different date that these event invoices are due
This feature is only available on event forms.
In the payment section, click the Click here to see an example hyperlink to view how your payment section displays on your website.
Confirmation Section
This section includes settings for the confirmation page and email. The confirmation page appears after the form-taker submits their completed form. The confirmation email is sent after the form-taker submits. In this section, you can:
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable confirmation section
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable confirmation email
- Click Edit Confirmation Email to edit the confirmation email using the WYSIWYG editor
- Toggle ON or OFF Send itinerary email to each registrant.
The itinerary email sends out to all event registrants. You can BCC the form-waker on these emails.
If both the confirmation and itinerary email are set to ON, the form-taker receives both emails.