On this page
- Overview
- To create a membership form
- To configure membership form settings
- To configure membership section settings
- Other membership form sections
A membership form can be used for three purposes:
- To add new members to your database
- To renew individual members
- To renew organization membership with linked profiles
A membership form section enables applications (for non-members), and renewals (for members who are in their renewal period).
When a new member applies for membership, a Join Date, and Expiration Date is assigned to the member. This enables the automatic renewal process.
To create a membership form
1. Navigate to Forms > Form List. Then, click the CREATE FORM button.
2. In the Create New Form window, you must select This form will be used for membership to display a membership section on your form. Add a Form Name, then click SAVE.
To configure membership form settings
In the Form Settings tab, you can configure the:
- Form Name: The name of the form that displays on your website, and internally
- Form Description: Displays internally, in the form editor
- Form URL: The form’s URL is how the form is accessed by admins and members (e.g. your-domain.com/2015-conference-registration)
- Form Status: You can change the status of your form to: Publish, Unpublish, and Archive
- Enable form expiration date: Toggle this option to ON, then set a date. The form status will change to unpublished when the date is through
Click Edit Group Permissions to set which groups have permission to access the form. For a membership form used for new applications, ensure to select both Prospect and Public.
Click Add a Date-Based Pricing Rule to create date-based pricing for early-bird specials, or late application rates.
Click Add Discount Code to create discount codes that override all other pricing on affected fields. To offer a membership discount, Click Save, then select the Membership tab. Add the discounted price for each member type you want to discount. Only applicable member types will appear based on their pricing structure.
For more information, see our help article on discount codes.
In the Forward URL field, enter the URL to forward users to at the end of the form.
To configure membership section settings
This section won't display for members who are not in their renewal period. A membership section is used for both individual and organization members.
1. Click Properties on the Membership section. On the left hand side toolbar you can:
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable membership section
- Toggle ON or OFF Require membership section when available to the user
- Toggle ON or OFF Display application area for new users and prospects
- Toggle ON or OFF Display renewal area for users that are within their renewal period
2. Click on the first text box in the membership section. This text box contains information for new members. Click the Edit New Member Text button to edit this text. You can do the same for each text box in this section.
3. Click on the Member Type field. On the left hand side, click the Edit Member Types button to configure which member types form-takers can apply for. Click Save when you're finished.
4. After the form-taker selects their member type, Membership Options and the Automatically Renew checkbox display, if set-up in member type settings. Click on the Membership Options field, then the Edit Payment Processor & Revenue Account button.
Membership Options refer to the selectable options set up in member type settings, under the Price Settings section.
You can set which payment processor to use, and which revenue account you want to associate with each member type. Select from the dropdown menus, then click Save.
5. If this membership form is for both individual and organization members, you can add specific fields for each. In the Organization Area, add organization member specific fields. Add specific fields that you want to capture for individual members in the Individual Area of the membership section.
Fields with a silhouette indicate that they are tied to an attribute. Fields with a red asterisk are required.
The Email and Phone fields contain a Labels section. Add, then click on the field in your form. On the left hand column you can configure these settings. For example, if you want both the work and home email address of a member to display, set both labels to Available.
Other membership form sections
Login Section
Click Properties on the login section. On the left hand side column you can:
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable Login section
- Set the Login Type in the dropdown menu:
- All Users: Allows both members and non-members access to to the form
- Existing Users: Allows existing members access to the form
- New Users: This allows non-members access to the form
- Toggle ON or OFF Multiple submissions. This allows the form-taker to submit the form multiple times
Unless you want all form submissions to appear anonymous, we recommend enabling the login section. See our help article for more information on anonymous form submissions.
To edit the Label text, click the text box in the login section. On the left hand side you can:
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable this Element
- Click Edit Label Text to open an editor, and edit the text on your login section
Summary Section
A Summary section is included with each form. Click Properties on the form section to configure this section's settings. In this section, a member can enter Discount Codes, if available. Click Add/edit Summary Fields to select and display these fields in the form summary. The form-taker can review their form selections before moving on to the payment section.
Payment Section
This section includes credit card payment fields. Click Properties on the Payment Section to configure payment settings. In this section you can:
- Select a payment processor from the Payment Processor dropdown menu
- Select an invoice template from the Invoice Template dropdown menu
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable pay later with invoice. This option opens an invoice for the member. The member can log-in through their profile at a later date to settle the invoice
- Toggle ON Override invoice template's due date to select a different date that these event invoices are due
This feature is only available on event forms.
In the payment section, click the Click here to see an example hyperlink to view how your payment section displays on your website.
Confirmation Section
This section includes settings for the confirmation page and email. The confirmation page appears after the form-taker submits their completed form. The Confirmation email is sent after the form-taker submits. In this section, you can:
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable confirmation section
- Toggle ON or OFF Enable confirmation email
- Click Edit Confirmation Email to open an email editor
To edit the confirmation page, click on the text box inside the confirmation section. On the left hand column, click the Edit Confirmation Page button to open an editor.