On this page
On the Profile Owner Attribute Security page, you can set what attributes your members can view and edit in their profile. To configure which attributes your members can see in another members profile, see Group Attribute Security.
To configure profile owner attribute security
Navigate to Database > Attributes. Then, click the Profile Owner Attribute Security link.
On the following page, the columns represent all member types in your database. The rows display your built-in and custom attributes.
The Can Edit icon means members can see and edit an attribute. The Can View icon means members can see the attribute's contents, but not make any changes to it. The red Hidden icon means that members cannot see or edit an attribute.
Use the CHANGE ALL drop-down menu above each column to update attribute security in bulk. You can also update each attribute one-by-one by. To do so, click the icon in the individual cell.
If access is the same for many member types, MC Professional will bundle those types in the same column. To separate them, click the ADD NEW COLUMN button at the top of the page, then change the permissions.
Click SAVE in the top right corner to save your changes.
If the cell contains an N/A icon, this means you have not assigned the attribute to the member type. Or, you may need to add the custom attribute for an organization's linked profiles.