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Custom attributes are attributes with a custom label and type, that you can create in addition to your built-in attributes. You can create custom attributes from a set of predefined attribute types. You can create as many custom attributes as you need.
Attribute types
Simple text field, used for short entries. You can display this attribute as either a text box or text area. You can also set an optional character limit.
Allows membership applicants and event registrants to upload files to a form, or, to upload files directly to their member profile. The supported document types are: BMP, CSV, DOC, EPG, GIF, ICO, JPG, JPEG, MP3, ODG, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDF, PNG, PPS, PPSX, PPT, SWF, TXT, XCF, XLS, XLSX, DOCX, PPTX, ZIP, TIF, WAV, MP4.
Used to upload an image. This attribute supports the following file types: GIF, ICO, JPG, JPEG. The image attribute has a max file size of 25MB.
Displays a calendar control that can be used to select a date.
Selection set
A group of selectable options. You can configure this option to allow for multiple or single selections. You can display the selection set as:
- Radio buttons
- A dropdown menu
- Checkboxes
- A selection box
Used to display a number or unit of something. Some number fields might include age or phone number.
Displays a pre-set dropdown of either U.S. States or Canadian Provinces. Members can select one or more options depending on your attribute settings.
Displays a pre-set dropdown of countries. Members can select one or more options depending on your attribute settings.
For adding a website URL to the member's profile. This will hyperlink whatever text is put into the field.
Adding custom attributes
Navigate to Database > Attributes. Click ADD CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE.
Give the new attribute a name in the Attribute Name text field, then choose the Attribute Type from the dropdown menu. This drop-down menu includes options for Country, Date, File, Image, Number, Selection Set, State/Province, Text, and Website.
You can only customize attributes Country, Date, File, Image and Website as far as a custom label. Other attribute types have more detailed options.
Selection Set
If you want to add a Selection Set attribute, you can use the Selection & Display Options dropdown menu to customize your selection set. The options are:
- Single Selection: Radio Buttons
- Single Selection: Dropdown Menus
- Multiple Selection: Checkboxes
- Multiple Selection: Select Box
Use the Add a Selection text field to add options to your selection set. When presented to the user, all single-selection sets that are not set as Required will have a None option, automatically selected. If your selection set is set to required, instead of none, there will instead be a Make a Selection option, instructing the member that they must choose an option before moving on.
Click SAVE, or SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER (to add a new selection set) when you're finished. You can toggle ON the Required option.
For a Number attribute, you can toggle on the option to Accept Decimals and set the number of Digits After Decimal to include in the dropdown menu. You can also toggle on Field is for Currency if this is a currency field. In the Accepted Currency dropdown you can select either USD or CDN.
You can add a drop-down menu that includes either U.S. States, U.S. Territories/Possessions, U.S. Military States or Canadian Provinces. You can display these selections as either their Full Name or Abbreviation.
For a Text custom attribute, you can display it as either a Text Box or Text Area in the member's profile using the Display As drop-down menu. Use the Character Limit (Optional) number field to set a character limit.
If you copy an attribute, it will maintain the same permissions and assignments as the attribute it was copied from. If you want to create an attribute that is similar to an existing attribute, it's easier to copy an existing attribute and edit it, rather than creating a new attribute from scratch.