An E-List, also commonly referred to as a Listserv, allows members to subscribe to the list and then send and receive message distributed to an entire group via a single email address. An E-list can be used for communications such as volunteer opportunities, discussions or announcements.
E-list messages need to be sent through MC Professional (member profile). If messages are sent to your e-list address through a third party email client we cannot guarantee it will send out correctly. Furthermore, If you send an e-list message with the exact same subject line from a previous e-list message, this will create a reply on the original message instead of creating a new one.
How to Access
Navigate to Community > E-Lists.
Adding a New E-List
1. To add a new E-List, first click the Add a new E-List button.
2. Next, configure the E-list.
- Active: This toggles whether or not the E-List is active. This allows you to suspend an E-List by placing it into inactive status.
- E-List Name: The name of the E-List that will be displayed in your MC Professional solution and is a required field.
- E-List Description: You can enter a brief description of the E-list in this area. This will be displayed on the E-List page.
- E-List Address: The address of your E-List. In the case you have a custom domain with us, you have the ability to have an E-List on your own domain. Please contact the Help Team if this is not set up and you would like to take advantage.
- Custom Domain: If you have a custom domain for your E-list, you can enter it here. See - How to Create a Custom Domain for an E-list
- Subject Prefix: The Subject Prefix will be displayed before all subject lines of emails sent to the E-List. Many organizations use something to make each E-List message stand out in the end user's mail client. An example could be "[My E-List]"
- Administrative Email Address: This is the administrative email address that will receive all admin-related communications. Examples of messages that would be sent to this address are unauthorized users attempting to send to the list or alerts that an E-List member has a bad or non-functioning email address.
- Replies Directed To: You have the option of the action of replying to the E-List to go to the Entire List, or the original sender.
3. Next, set the Subscription Permissions. The Subscription Permissions control who is allowed to subscribe to this E-List, and are based on a member's Group. At least one group is required. In the dropdown, select the Group(s) that should have the ability to join this E-List from their My Profile > My E-Lists tab.
4. Update the Moderation Options. When moderation is enabled, messages sent to this E-List must be approved by a moderator before they are sent to the E-List members. Moderators can log in to their solution and access the E-List via their My Profile > My E-Lists tab to approve messages.
- Enable Moderation: This option will add moderation to your E-List. When an E-List is moderated, a moderator will be required to approve all messages and replies that are sent to the E-List by its users.
- Add Moderators: This button will bring up a modal search window for you to search for an appropriate moderator or moderators. Click the user you wish to add as the moderator and click the "Add Moderators" button.
- Delete: This button will delete a moderator from the moderator list.
5. Set up the Welcome and Goodbye Emails. The Welcome and Goodbye email areas allow you to customize an HTML or non-HTML communication that will be sent to new users and users who have unsubscribed from the E-List.
- Send Welcome Email: This toggle enables the sending of the email.
- Welcome Email Subject: Defines the subject of your email.
- Body: Allows you to compose your email.
The Goodbye Email functions in the same way when someone is removed from an e-list or opts to unsubscribe.
6. Last, configure the Email Footer. To provide custom messaging and instructions for members in E-list messages, you can include a custom footer here.
E-List Management
To add members, click on the name of the E-List and then select the Members tab. Select the Add Members option.
After clicking it, a modal window will pop-up with all available members. To add members, tag the specific members you want to add, then click Add "X" Members.
Member View
Members have the option of receiving the e-list message in their inboxes or viewing the messages on the website underneath the My Features tab. In this area, they will see all e-lists that they have subscribed to as well as any e-lists that they have permission to subscribe to.
Quick Tips
- If you have created a Welcome E-mail on the E-list Setup page, a user will receive that Welcome E-mail as soon as users are added to an E-List We recommend including instructions on E-List rules, and how to manage E-list subscriptions in the Welcome E-mail.
- Since we never limit the amount of E-Lists you can have, make an E-List inactive rather than deleting it so you can always come back to the information at a later date.
- If a member unsubscribes from an E-List, they will still receive messages sent to them via the Contact Center.
- Can emails be automatically added to an e-list?
No, emails must be manually added either in the e-list itself or at the profile level by turning it on.
- If a member who is subscribed to an e-list lapses or is moved to the prospect member type, does the system unsubscribe them from the e-list?
No, they remain subscribe to the e-list and will receive e-list messages as normal. These members need to be removed from the e-list manually.