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Member types define a member's dues payment, renewal notification schedule, and expiration settings. If your organization has several different types of members, you will need a member type configured for each. Examples of member types include professional, associate, student, organization, lifetime, etc.
Before configuring your default member type settings, we recommend setting up your account settings, creating an invoice template, and configuring your built-in and custom attributes.
Member type structures
There are two different member type structures:
Individual profiles: For individual members. They contain the built-in attributes (name, email, address, phone) and any other custom attributes you assign. These profiles are not linked to any other profile in your database. Each member is responsible for paying their own dues, updating their own profile, and registering for events themself.
Organization profiles: Organization profiles do not belong to an individual member. Rather, the organization profile is an aggregator profile that contains information about the organization. An organization's dues may be based on the number of linked profiles tied to that organization, or a custom attribute. Automated renewal reminders are sent to the email address in the organization profile. Within the organization profile and tied to the organization member type, you can have individual linked profiles and key contacts:
- Linked profiles: Linked profiles are the individual members who work for the organization or company. Each member linked to the organization will have their own profile, that contains the built-in attributes (name, email, address, phone etc.) and any custom attributes you assign.
- Key contacts: Key contacts are linked profiles that manage the organization. An organization may have one or more key contacts. Key contacts can:
- Pay dues on behalf of the organization.
- Edit and update the organization’s profile.
- Edit and update other linked profiles within the organization.
- Register other linked profiles within the organization for events.
To configure default member type settings
Navigate to Database > Member Types. All member types that you create will inherit your default member type settings.
Click EDIT DEFAULT SETTINGS at the top of the page.
Under General Settings, decide if you want to Require approval for new members. If enabled, new members will enter pending status until they are manually changed to active status by an admin.
Next, configure your Renewal Payment Settings. The invoice template, payment processor, and revenue account selected in your default settings will automatically populate on your membership application and renewal form.
- Invoice Template: Select the invoice template to be used for your renewal invoices.
- Payment Processor: Select which payment processor to use for online renewal payments.
- Revenue Account: The revenue from all membership renewals will be recorded in this account.
Under Membership & Expiration Settings there are two options:
Expiration is based on Date: If selected, each member will have the same expiration date.
If you need to adjust the Membership Year Begins On date please reach out to our support team.
Expiration is based on Period of Time: If selected, each member will have a unique expiration date based on the date they joined. For example, if a member joined April 25th, 2023, and they paid for a one year membership, their new expiration date will be April 25th, 2024.
New Expiration Date based on Renewal Date: There is a secondary option available for period of time based memberships. This option allows the member to have a different expiration date based on the date they renew. For example, if the member's expiration date is April 25th, 2023, and they renew their membership for one year on May 5, 2023, then their new expiration date will be May 5, 2024.
This section also includes a check box for Grace Period. The grace period begins immediately after a member expires, and allows the member to retain member privileges for a set amount of time. The benefit of using a grace period is that you're able to continue messaging graced members to encourage them to renew.
You can adjust your grace period settings at any time. A couple of things to be aware of:
- If members are in active status or active-in renewal period status, they will automatically adopt the updated grace period settings after their expiration date.
- If members are already in their grace period, you need move them back to active status after changing your grace period. The following day, the system will move them back to graced status, with the new grace period settings.
Once a member type is created with either a period of time or date based renewal period, that setting is locked in for reporting purposes. You cannot change this setting after the member type is created.
Finally, choose your Renewal Settings.
Auto-Renew: If auto-renew is set to Optional, members will have the option to manually renew, or to keep a credit card on file so that their membership fee is automatically billed each year. If auto-renew is set to Required, each member will be set to automatically renew. The member will receive a renewal reminder prior to their expiration date with the renewal invoice attached.
Auto-renew must be set up with your payment processor. Credit card information is stored in your payment processor, not in MC Professional.
You can toggle on or off the ability for your members to Renew from Member Profile. If enabled, a dropdown menu with two options will appear, allowing your members to either generate an invoice and renew in their profile, or re-direct them to a URL. With the latter option, you can redirect them to your renewal form.