What is it?
Invoicing is the way payments are processed in MC Professional. An invoice will be automatically generated upon a user completion of a form that deals with payments. Invoicing also allows Administrators to create invoices as needed via the Ad Hoc feature.
- Invoice List
- Invoice Templates
- Invoice Settings
- Revenue Accounts
- Creating a new Revenue Account
- Tying a Revenue Account to a Member Type
- Creating 'Ad Hoc' Invoices
- Paying Invoices
- Apply a Refund or Credit
How to Access
Navigate to Financial > Invoices
Invoice List
The Invoice List contains all invoices created in your database. You can easily resend or void invoices, as well as generate PDFs. Use the filter option and sorting columns to narrow down the list.
In the Payment Management area, the following options exist:
Email: This option allows you to resend an invoice to one or more users. To start, tag the invoice(s) you would like to resend > click Actions > Click Email Tagged Invoice > enter a Default Email Address. With ONE invoice tagged, you will also have the ability to resend the invoice to additional email addresses, other than the one listed in the profile. This is best used if someone wants to receive an additional copy of their invoice, and needs their accounting or billing department to receive one as well.
Create PDF: This option allows you to create a single or multi-page PDF to print paper versions of your invoices. To start, tag the invoice(s) you would like to create a PDF for > Click Actions > Choose the Export option. This will export the tagged invoices into a PDF file. You can locate this file by navigating to Reporting > Exports.
Filter Invoices: View invoices that are Open (unpaid) Pending, Paid, Partial, or Voided using the Filter options in the menu bar near the top of the page. The Invoice Status drop-down will sort the invoices by their status, while the Type drop-down will sort them by type.
- Search Invoices: You can search an invoice by a name or Invoice Number using the box in the top right-hand corner.
Invoice comments: Admins can add comments to an invoice by viewing an invoice, then typing comments into the Invoice Comments area and clicking Save. NOTE: Invoice Comments will add a timestamp including information which user logged the note, and when. Multiple comments may be added to one invoice. These comments are only viewable to administrators.
Void: If an invoice was generated in error, or otherwise needs to be voided, tag the invoice you would like to void, click the Actions tab, then choose the Void Tagged Invoice option. Once an invoice has been voided, it will be marked "Void" in grey at the top of the invoice.
- NOTES: Once an invoice has been voided you will no longer be able to use it to make a payment. Voiding an invoice cannot be reversed. Additionally, for every invoice voided after March 1, 2018 a reversal transaction is automatically created for each line item on the invoice and will be displayed in the Transaction Report. More information can be found HERE
To note: We do not suggest that you manually void a renewal invoice. To understand why and how properly void a renewal invoice, take a look at this article.
Invoice Templates
You have the option to configure multiple invoice templates for both Ad Hoc and Invoice Me options. You might create separate templates for sponsorships, charitable donations, or membership dues, for example.
To start, navigate to Financial > Invoices > Invoice Templates
1. To start, choose to Create an Invoice Template.
2. Complete the following:
Name: Give the invoice template a name. This name will help you identify the appropriate template later on.
- Upload Custom Logo: If you want an invoice template to have a different logo than your usual organization logo that lives in the account settings area, you can upload a custom logo per invoice template using this button.
Net Due Period: Set the Net Due period for the invoice template. The amount of time a user has to pay the invoice. After the net due period, the invoice will be considered overdue.
Footer Information: Use the Footer Information section to add payment terms or other contact information.
- Merge Data: Merge profile data onto the invoice.
Set As Default Template: If applicable, set the template you're creating as the Default.
New Invoice Email: This notification will be sent automatically when an invoice is created. Use the Edit the Email button to configure the message.
Reminder Email: Optionally, configure the reminder email. The reminder email will be automatically sent before the invoice is due, at the time you determine.
Past Due Email: Optionally, configure the past due email. The past due email will be automatically sent after the invoice net due date has passed, at the time you determine
Payment Notification Email: These notifications will be sent automatically when payment is made on an invoice.
Within each of these emails, you can customize the Reply to Email, the Subject of the message, and the Message Body by clicking Configure Email.
To see a preview of what your invoice template layout looks like, you can select the "preview invoice" option at the top right of the page. This will download a PDF version of what your template looks like.
Note: For invoice templates set in Member Type management, MC Professional will only send the Member Type notifications, not the email notifications associated with the template.
Invoice Settings
The Invoice Settings page allows you to set up a template for your invoices that will include the organization's information.
To start, Navigate to Financial > Invoices > Invoice Settings
1. Configure the following:
Recipient Address: Merge in fields here that you would like pulled in from member's profiles onto the invoice. This information will appear on all invoices.
- Organization Information: Add your organization's address information here. This information will also appear on all invoices.
Next Invoice Number: If you would like to change the number given to the next invoice, change the Current Invoice Number. NOTE: The next number can only be larger than what is displayed now.
Revenue Accounts
The Revenue Accounts tool enables tracking, management and export of revenue account data for use in accounting systems. Data can be exported as an IIF Quickbooks file or as a CSV for import into other accounting systems. Configure Revenue Accounts to track your separate revenue streams in Professional. Examples of revenue streams include event revenue, membership dues, donations, merchandise sales, etc.
Creating a new Revenue Account
1. First, click Revenue Account icon at the top of the Invoices page.
2. One the following page, click the green 'Add a New Revenue Account' button. Next, name the Revenue Account.
3. Select whether the account will be used for Dues Revenue or not using the "Dues Revenue" dropdown. If "On" is selected, transactions tied to the Revenue Account will not be included in the Aged Receivables graph on the Admin Dashboard. If "Off" is selected, transactions will be included in the Aged Receivables graph on the Admin Dashboard.
4. Select whether the Revenue Account will be accrual or cash to control how transactions are exported from the Transaction Report. This should align with your current accounting methodology, and can generally be answered by whether or not you recognize accounts receivable (if you are unsure, be sure to ask your accountant).
Note: If using QuickBooks, the following transactions will be exported as journal entries in the IIF file for each account type:
- Accrual:
- Transaction for each sale, discount, or refund (sale debit and sale credit)
- Transaction(s) for each payment or settlement (payment debit and payment credit)
- Cash:
- Payment or settlement transactions only (sale credit and payment debit)
5. Input your sale/payment credit and debit accounts to control which accounts the Transaction Report will export. Be sure to use the exact account name from your accounting system to ensure the transactions are imported appropriately.
6. If using QuickBooks and QuickBooks classes, input the QuickBooks class associated with the revenue account. Otherwise leave this field blank.
7. Provide a description of this revenue account. Depending on your account structure in QuickBooks, you may want to include the account number in this field if you did not include it in the preceding fields.
Tying a Revenue Account to a Member Type
Revenue Accounts are linked to Member Types directly. When creating a Member Type, choose the revenue account associated with renewal payments under the Renewal Payments Settings section.
Creating 'Ad Hoc' Invoices
You can create Ad Hoc invoices from within an individual profile, or as a mass action from the Profile List.
To create Ad Hoc invoices from within an individual profile:
Click the "Actions" dropdown in the top right of the profile, and click "Create Ad Hoc Invoice"
From the Ad Hoc Invoicing Page:
Select a payment processor to associate the invoice(s) with
Select an invoicing template to associate the invoice(s) with
Select an Invoice Type
- Choose how to handle the invoice (create and pay, create and send, etc.)
- Assign a specific due date
Set the Invoice Amount, which will appear as the amount due on each invoice
Add a Description, which will appear on the Invoice next to the invoice amount (ex. Annual Meeting Registration Fee)
Select a revenue account to associate the invoice(s) with
You can “Add New Line Item” to add a second row for amount, description, and revenue account.
To create Ad Hoc invoices as a mass action from the Profile List:
Pull up the profile(s) you want to invoice. This screenshot is from the Profile List on the Home Page.
Choose the profiles you want to invoice by tagging the check boxes next to each profile > click the ‘Actions’ drop-down > Choose the Create Ad Hoc Invoice option.
From the Ad Hoc Invoicing Page:
Select a payment processor to associate the invoice(s) with
Select an invoicing template to associate the invoice(s) with
Select an Invoice Type
Set the Invoice Amount, which will appear as the amount due on each invoice
Add a Description, which will appear on the Invoice next to the invoice amount (ex. Annual Meeting Registration Fee)
Select a revenue account to associate the invoice(s) with
You can “Add New Line Item” to add a second row for amount, description, and revenue account.
Paying Invoices
Applying Payment to an Invoice
Click ‘View’ next to the invoice > Pay Invoice
Choose to:
Pay by Credit Card
Complete the payment information
Submit Credit Card Payment of $
Choose to:
Pay Offline
Apply a Refund or Credit
Type in the amount you are refunding/crediting
If issuing a refund, a new invoice will be generated listing the amount that the organization needs to refund. The invoice should act as a 'to-do' for the organization to write the member a check, etc. When the refund has been issued, return to the refund invoice and choose to Settle.