What is it?
A Renewal Invoice is generated based on a user's Member Type Settings when Notifications are turned ON. The first notification that goes out initiates the Renewal Period, and the Renewal Invoice is what moves a user's Expiration Date forward upon payment. The Member Status in a user's profile will reflect whether or not they are in their Renewal Period, as well.
While Renewal Invoices can be manually Voided, we strongly advise against doing so. We understand that different circumstances may call for a Voided invoice, and (like with your other Invoice Types) you may be inclined to do so. However, unlike your other Invoice Types, Renewal Invoices have a specific system function that Voiding inhibits.
What Happens?
- If a Renewal Invoice is manually voided, the user remains in their Renewal Period.
- They will continue to receive any additional Notifications that are set-up, and these will have the Voided Invoice attached (unless you've turned OFF "Attach invoice to all notifications").
- They will not receive Notifications for the next year, even if their Expiration Date is manually updated.
If directed to a Form with an active Renewal Section, the user will still be able to renew via the Form, but this requires navigating the confusion of the Voided invoice and continued messages. We want to make sure they have a smooth experience!
What To Do
Though we recommend against voiding Renewal Invoices, we get it: every member and/or financial situation is different! Instead of getting stuck, you can Void the Renewal invoice, and then utilize Actions > Renew to generate a new Open invoice.
Rather than manually void an invoice, it is best to simply change the user’s Member Type to a
different Member Type, then immediately change it back. Once a user’s Member Type is
changed, the MemberClicks system will understand that as the user now exists within a new
Member Type, they will likely be charged a new dues amount, and as a result, will automatically
void the open dues invoice. Because the system itself performs this action, it will take note of
such, and will no longer attach the voided invoice to future membership notifications. This will
also see a new open invoice generated at the appropriate time in the future for the user,
provided that the user possesses an expiration date and is meant to receive a dues invoice.
Also, by changing the user’s Member Type, then immediately changing it back to their original
Member Type, you will ensure that your user encounters no issues due to having their Member
Type momentarily changed.
To make this change, enter a user’s profile from the Membership Dashboard when logged in as
an administrator. Click ‘edit’ next to the user’s Member Type. Change the user’s Member
Type to any other available Member Type. Once completed, change it back. This will void the
dues invoice in a manner that should prevent renewal issues in the future.