Open invoices
Whether a manually created ad-hoc invoice, or an invoice that was generated automatically by the system, you can't edit an open invoice. If you need to correct an open invoice, you can Void or Credit the invoice, then create a new ad-hoc invoice with the updated information.
For more information on crediting or refunding an invoice, visit our help article here.
If this is a membership application or renewal invoice, and you've replaced it with an ad-hoc invoice, this won't update the member's status or expiration date automatically. You need to edit the member's profile manually with the updated information.
If you want to void a member's invoice and have the system generate a new renewal invoice automatically, move the member to a different member type, then right back. This will void their renewal invoice. Then, based on your member type and email notification settings, a new invoice will be sent to the member.
To edit your member type and notification settings with the correct details, visit our help article here.
Paid invoices
Once an invoice is marked paid, your only option is to Refund the invoice. You can't edit or void a paid invoice.
If you choose to refund the invoice, the process is the same as crediting an invoice.
If you need to permanently delete the invoice, please reach out through our support portal.