What is it?
If your organization is using the Site Search tool, you can index files in your Media Manager so that they are publicly searchable through your website's search box. If the Site Search has not been installed on your MC Professional site and you would like for it to be, contact our Help Team at help@memberclicks.com.
How to Access
Navigate to Website > Media Manager
Click on Media Search Indexes in the top righthand corner Note: This will only display if the Site Search has been installed.
Indexing Files in the Media Manager
To index a file individually, click on the Create link to the right of the file you want to index. Note: PDF files smaller than 150 MB are the only files able to be indexed at this time.
Insert a Title, Subject, Description (optional), and keywords, then Save.
To index multiple files at once, select up to 5 files you want to index, then click on Index Selected Files in the top right.
Once a file has been indexed, a green check will appear under the Indexed column.
During the Indexing process, it may be necessary to clear your cache or refresh the page. You can do so with in the indexing application using the icons at the top right.
Once a file has been indexed, it will be searchable on the front-end, or member side, of your website.
In the example below, we're searching the word "Blep" in the site search box.