What is it?
This will show you the steps involved in adding an image to an article or a contact center message.
We don't recommend copying, then pasting, content (e.g. text, images, graphics etc.) from outside sources into any WYSIWYG editor found in MC Professional. If you do, this may bring incompatible code into your website or email client. Content from outside sources may not display as intended.
Inserting an Image
Start by placing your cursor where the image should appear and clicking the "Image" button located directly below the editor window.
Next, choose an existing image, or upload an image from your computer.
If the image is already in your Media Library, choose it from the top portion of the popup window.
Upload a new image by clicking "Upload a File into the Current Folder."
If necessary, set the Image Options
Image URL: The URL is automatically inserted when you select an image and is the path to where the image is located in your media Library.
Image Description: The description is the "alt" text and will display if the image is unable to.
Title: The title is similar to the description and can be made into a caption that will appear below the image by checking the "Caption" box to the right.
Align: The alignment dictates how the image will appear; Not Set = appears on its own line, Left/Right = appears to the left or right of the content around it.
Image Width: Allows you to designate a specific width for the image when it is inserted.
Image Height: Allows you to designate a specific height for the image when it is inserted.
Image Margin Top: Controls how much padding will appear between the image and content above it.
Image Margin Right: Controls how much padding will appear between the image and content to its right.
- Image Margin Bottom: Controls how much padding will appear between the image and content below it.
- Image Margin Left: Controls how much padding will appear between the image and content to its left.
Finally, when finished, click "Insert This Image".