On this page
While you can delete a resume file in your Job Board account, you cannot delete a Resume Profile.
Job Board is an optional add-on for your MC Professional product that's structured as a revenue share with no cost to your organization. For more details, check out this article, Job Board: Everything You Need to Know.
Interested in adding Job Board to your toolbox? Click here and fill out the form on the right!
Viewing the Job Board
Your job board will display job postings in chronological order from oldest to newest.
Pricing that you configure in Settings will display on the righthand side of the screen.
How to Set Admin Access
Job Board admin access is based on the admin access in your MC Professional profile, so if you have admin access in MC Professional then you will automatically have admin access to Job Board when logging in with the same credentials.
To get started, click the Log In button and enter your MC Professional ASA/Admin login credentials.
Once logged in, Admins will see the same menu items job posters do on the left as well as the Manage button on the right.
To configure your job board, navigate to Manage > Settings in the top right.
Once in the Settings area, you will see seven options;
- Pricing
- Industry Types
- Site Configuration
- Social Media
- Branding
- Backfill Configuration
- Newsletter Generator
Pricing and eligible Member Types
Employers are able to select a posting duration of 30, 60, or 90 days or opt to purchase a bundle of job posts. Additionally, they can pay more to make any individual post Featured. Note: If Employers select to purchase a bundle, they will need to select featured for each individual post they would like to feature, the initial featured selection only applies for the first post of the bundle.
Admins must configure pricing for each duration, as well as any bundles you would like to offer. In the Member Types & Bundles area, you can set the price for each individual post per duration, configure any bundle options you would like to offer, set the price for Featured Listings, and identify the Member Types who will receive pricing.
When an Employer purchases a bundle, they also post the first job within that bundle at that time, and will have the remaining "Credits" on their account for future use. You can configure up to 3 different bundles per duration with a maximum of 5 posts per bundle.
Best Practices:
- Charge the right prices for your Board/Industry. You have a valuable commodity to employers in highly skilled members/job seekers and should price posts on your board accordingly. It's easier to lower prices over time, but much more difficult to start low and then raise prices.
- Always charge for both Members and Non-Members. Member pricing should be discounted, but not free.
- Always charge a premium for Featured posts as these jobs are highlighted, showcased at the top of the board, and pushed through to the Google Jobs Network.
Member Types
Once you have set desired pricing (know you can change this at any time), click Add Member Types, and select which Member Types should receive member pricing. NOTE: Job Board member pricing will ONLY work if the Member Type Admin role has "Can View" access to both Member Type and Member Status values. Click here for details on how to set permissions on your admin roles in MC Professional.
Discount Codes
Once your Pricing has been set and you have identified which Member Types will receive member pricing, Discount Codes can be configured. You can configure the code to apply to the Base Price, Bundled Price, Featured Price, or a combination of the three as a percentage of the total. Employers will enter the Discount Code on the payment screen when purchasing their postings.
To set up a Discount Code click Add A Discount Code.
Fill in the details for your discount code and Save. Make sure the Status is set to Published if you want this discount code to be usable right away - if you prefer to remove this discount code from being accessible for posters to use, you can change the status to Unpublished. Once the code has expired or reached its usage limit, it will go into Archive status, and you can find it by checking "Show Archived Codes" above the list.
Industry Types
To customize the Industry options Employers can choose from click Industry Types.
You can remove any Industry Type that doesn't have a posting associated with it by clicking the x next to the name. You can add any additional Industry Type by clicking Add a New Industry Type.
Site Configuration
In the Site Configuration area, you'll configure some basic settings for your job board.
- Site Header: appears in the browser tab for your job board
- Site Description: a description for your job board
- Back to Site URL: plug in the URL posters should be directed back to if they click on the Back to Site tab in the job board footer
- Only allow members to post jobs? With this box checked, only members will be allowed to post jobs and the non-member pricing menu will disappear
- Create Account URL: On the login page for the job board, the text "Not a member? Create an account." will link members to this URL (we recommend inserting the link to your membership page or join form)
- Privacy Policy URL: a link to your privacy policy
- Send Email Notification on Job Post: with this box checked, the email filled in under Notification Email will receive an email notification each time a job is posted
- Timezone: the timezone for your job board
It's imperative your Job Board matches your organizations brand and theme. On the Branding page, you'll be able to add your Organization logo, customize the banner on your board, and select from pre-set or custom color themes.
- Upload Organization Logo: click Upload Organization Logo to upload your organization's logo to the job board as a JPG, GIF, or PNG. Use the Crop Logo tool to size the logo appropriately.
- Home Page Banner Message: Enable, and enter a Title and Subtitle for visitors to see. We recommend as few words as possible. You want to ensure visitors understand who your Organization is and why they should view or post jobs without taking up too much screen space.
Color Themes:
- Use dark colored header and footer: With this box checked, the header background for the job board (behind the logo) will appear dark instead of white.
- Select one of the five default themes, or click "Override with Custom Theme" to choose your own custom colors
Click save, and notice the changes real time.
Backfill Configuration
The ZipRecruiter backfill is a free option that pulls jobs into your board from ZipRecruiter's network to make it more appealing to employers. It can even be customized to show relevant jobs in your area and/or industry. All you need to do is sign up with ZipRecruiter (there’s no cost!; instructions below) and they’ll provide a publisher/API key to plug into your job board.
If you're using the ZipRecruiter backfill option, you'll configure your ZipRecruiter backfill settings under Manage > Settings > Backfill Configuration.
Fill in these details:
- Zip Recruiter API Key: To be provided by ZipRecruiter. See below for instructions on requesting a API key.
- Location: Filter Backfill jobs by a specific location.
- Radius in Miles: How far from the location should the search radius extend?
Search Terms: Enter terms to use by default. If you have a niche board, this will help ensure your users see relevant jobs in the Backfill on your homepage.
The ZipRecruiter API backfill supports AND and NOT operators. You will not be able to search for two separate keywords using the OR operator.
“Sales” “Medical”, two separate words in quotes: This is taken as an AND relationship, and returns the most relevant jobs with both Sales AND Medical.
"Sales Medical", entire phrase in quotations: The search looks for an exact match to the phrase "Sales Medical".
Sales Medical, no quotations: This is taken as a soft AND relationship. Soft AND means that results with all words in the query are preferred, but depending on the query, missing words are sometimes allowed (in particular, queries with 4+ words). Be careful not to enter too many terms, as this will reduce match quality.
“Sales” -Medical, use of minus sign: This is taken as a NOT relationship and return jobs that include Sales but NOT Medical. Please note that if you pass "Sales -Medical" with everything in quotations, it looks for an exact match to the phrase "Sales -medical".
How to request a ZipRecruiter API Key
To request a API key, you must first be signed up for Job Board. After signing up, reach out to ZipRecruiter support to request an API key.
Newsletter Generator
The final section of the Administrative settings is for the Newsletter Generator. This is a tool to help you advertise and market the jobs on your board. Note: it is absolutely imperative that you advertise the posts on your board to ensure Job Seekers are aware of the new positions and Employers are receiving the value for the posts they paid for.
Our newsletter generator allows you to choose which jobs to feature, then generates HTML content that is ready for you to paste directly into your email communication tool to send to prospective Job Seekers and/or all profiles in your Database.
Click Customize Newsletter, select which jobs you would like to feature, then click Save and Add to Newsletter.
Click Copy My Newsletter Code when you are ready to transfer the HTML to your email communication tool (ie Contact Center), and navigate to your email tool to send the message and advertise the posts.