When you're assigning member groups to a package in Classroom, ensure the Visibility checkbox is selected. If left unchecked, the course will be available to all front-end users free of charge.
Once you have created a course and package in Classroom you would like to offer as an exclusive Member Benefit (more info here), you will need to use Groups to restrict access.
It works likes this: when a learner logs into the Classroom from MC Professional any group assigned to their Profile in MC Professional will be automatically added to their Classroom profile so long as that group has been created in Classroom by an admin. For example, if a member is in the following groups in MC Professional:
- Individual
- 2019 Conference Attendee
- Classroom User
They will be added to any of those three that are also in the Classroom. If only "Individual" and "Classroom User" exist in Classroom, they will only be added to those.
You will need to complete the following steps for each Group you wish to restrict access for. It's typically best to use the same Group for each Member Type you wish to restrict access for because these groups already exist in MC Professional.
- Use existing Groups, or create new ones in MC Professional that will be used for each Package you wish to restrict
- Create corresponding group in the Classroom
- Update your Classroom Package to restrict access to only desired groups
Create an MC Professional Group
The first step to permission the Classroom content for specific Members is to identify the existing groups you would like to use, or create new ones in MC Professional. If you know the specific Member Types you would like to offer content too, the groups should already be created, and you can move on to the next step.
If you do need to create a new group, please follow these steps:
1. In MC Professional, navigate to Database > Groups
2. Click the Add button in the top left-hand corner.
3. Give the Group a name, then click Add.
The next step will be creating the corresponding groups in Classroom.
Create corresponding Group in Classroom
Once you've identified or created the Groups in MC Professional you will need to complete the corresponding groups in the Classroom.
Access the Group page in the Classroom via Groups > Group Management
Click Add Group in the upper right corner
Enter the Group Title. Be sure to spell the name exactly the same as it is in MC Professional.
Enter a Group Description if desired, ensure the "visibility" check box is selected, and click Save. When "Visibility" is selected, and the Group is assigned to a package, only users in that group will be able to access the content of the package.
Update the Classroom Package
The final step is to update the Classroom Package with the appropriate groups. This will restrict the package to only those profiles that are in the selected groups.
Access your Package in the Classroom via Store > Packages
Click the Blue Action Pencil icon for the Package you are restricting access to.
Add each Group you would like to have access to the Package by clicking the "Add to Group" button, and choosing each group one at a time.
Click Save
Now, only Learners in those groups will have access to the contents of the Package!