When you're assigning member groups to a package in Classroom, ensure the Visibility checkbox is selected. If left unchecked, the course will be available to all front-end users free of charge.
All the work you've done up until now has been to build the content of a course. You've added all the materials. Now, you need to package the course so that the finished product is published, making it visible to your learners on the front end of your Classroom site. First, head to Store and then click Packages. Once you arrive on the Packages page, click Add Package.
Create a Package Name, and add a Subscription Description if desired.
Duration is required, but 00:00:00 is entered by default. When the value is zero, no duration will be displayed on the front end.
Make sure the check box next to Active is checked if you want this Package to publish when you hit save. If you ever need to take away visibility on the front end for a course, simply uncheck the box next to Active. If you would like for the package to be active for a predetermined amount of time, fill in the "From" and "To" with those pertinent dates and times.
You can skip both the "Registration" and "Visible only upon distribution" sections.
Under Courses, select the course (or courses) that you you'd like to be published into the selected package. You can add a single course or multiple courses based on your needs!
Under Level, you can select how you want to distinguish the package content to your learners. While these are not required, built-in levels are Beginner, Standard, Advanced and Expert. You can also create a custom level (ideas: Webinar, Podcast, Introduction, etc.).
In order to for the package to show on the front end, regardless of group/permission settings, click "Summary visible for all." This is a good idea if you'd like Classroom visitors to see all of your offerings but gain access only to those packages that they are granted permission for (through Groups).
Next, select a group or groups that are able to have access to this package. Any learner inside the selected groups will be able to have access to the learning material. Those who may gain access to a package may include an association member (versus non-member) or someone who paid for the course through an AMS form or your own, standalone payment processor. You can skip "Guest login."
In the Tags area, you are able to type in any tags that you may want to include for each of your packages. These tags will appear with the package on the front end of the site, and will be searchable within your courses as well. As soon as you've created any tag by simply typing it in the box, that tag will then be stored and appear as a drop down going forward so you can tag additional packages in the future.
Removing packages from the frontend
Archived packages are permanently deleted and cannot be restored by our support team.
If you have a package created that you no longer want to have displayed on the frontend of your site, you will want to navigate back to the Store > Packages area, click the name of the package you want to no longer display, and uncheck the "active" checkmark. This will remove it from public view, but the package will remain intact in the event you'd like to use it again soon.
If you instead want to completely get rid of a package that is old, outdated, or no longer necessary, you can either delete the package or archive it. You will see the delete option if you've created a package but no accounts have accessed it. If any accounts have accessed the package through the frontend, you will instead see the yellow archive button. Clicking this button essentially acts as a deletion of the package from the page so it will no longer be viewable.
To archive a package, the package must be made inactive first. To do so, select the package, uncheck the Active box, then Save.