For standalone Classroom accounts not integrated with MC Professional, MC Trade, or WildApricot: When you're assigning member groups to a package in Classroom, ensure the Visible only upon distribution check box is selected. If left unchecked, the course will be available to all front end users free of charge. If your Classroom account is integrated with MC Professional, MC Trade, or WildApricot, selecting this option will hide all packages on your front end website.
To ensure your SSO integration between the Classroom and MC Professional works seamlessly, there are a few things you will want to ensure are configured correctly within MC Professional.
Make sure you're using the correct link
Many groups want to include a link to their Classroom somewhere on their site so members can easily click the link and be taken straight to the Classroom in a logged-in state. However, in order for this link to work properly, it MUST include " /en/connect/memberclicks " at the end.
Example: if your Classroom URL is the link you will need to include on your site for members to click would be
Make sure your Profile Owner Attribute Security settings are correct
In order for your members to be able to access the Classroom, the following items must be at least viewable, if not editable, within Profile Owner Attribute Security for all Member Types and groups who should have Classroom access:
- [Name | First]
- [Name | Last]
- [Email | Primary]
- [Group]
Additionally, any other attributes you wish to send from MC Professional to Classroom for each profile should also have "Can View" or "Can Edit" permissions.
To ensure permissions are configured correctly, Navigate to Attribute Management in MC Professional via Database > Attributes and then click the Profile Owner Attribute Security option:
Ensure each of the above attributes are set to "Can View" or "Can Edit" for each Member Type accessing MC | Classroom. Be sure to click "Save"
Make sure your users are in Groups
For each group you have created within MC Professional, you must ensure this same exact group name also exists within the Classroom. Without this link between commonly named groups, your SSO will not work properly.