Use this report to look at membership KPIs such as joins, renewals, and lapses, as well as other key membership and database activity to understand the moving parts of your membership.
How to use it
Navigate to Reporting > Membership and click on the "Benchmark KPIs" report.
On the following page, you will see a table with start and end numbers for a selected date range, as well as totals for each data point, broken out by Member Type. For quick insights on the metrics you care about the most, refer to the table on the left side of the screen.
Within the report, you can select from different date ranges to view in the bar above the report, as well as edit the Member Types you're viewing from the drop-down just above the table. Additionally, you can export your results by clicking the Export CSV button at the top right.
Understanding your report
Start - how many members were in the specified Member Type in Active status on the Start Date you selected as a filter at the top.
Joined - This column shows the number of members that joined the Member Type within the date range. Note: The joins reflected in this column are captured using the Join Date in a profile and will always display based on whatever is in the profile, so manually altering a profile's join date will cause this report to change. For instance, let's say you are pulling a report for September 2020 and a profile has a join date within that month, it will appear on your report. However, if you return to that profile and change its Join Date to be at a date in the past, (for instance, some date in August 2020) and return to the report the following day to rerun your September 2020 report, that profile will no longer be reflected in the Joins column for that month, thus altering the report's numbers.
Renewals - This column will reflect the number of members who renewed their membership within that Member Type during the date range.
Lapsed - The Lapsed column will show many members within that Member Type that did not renew their membership during the date range selected.
Rejoined - This column will show how many members were at one time in any Member Type, moved to Prospect in the system, and then moved back into a Member Type after having been a Prospect.
Graced - Graced will show how many profiles were in the Graced status in the system during your selected date range.
Added to MT (Member Type) - This column shows any profile that was added to a Member Type in the system through means that was not a brand new join (for example, someone who renewed but into a new Member Type, or a profile created manually by an admin, or a profile manually moved from one Member Type into another by an admin, etc).
Removed from MT (Member Type) - This column will reflect a member leaving one Member Type that moved into another.
Deleted - The deleted column will show a count of any profiles from the Member Type that were deleted.
Restored - This column will capture any profiles that were in deleted status that had been undeleted/restored.
End - This column will show the total Active members in each Member Type at the end of the range.
Net Change - Net Change will show the overall change from your start number to your end number for the specified date range.
Additional Considerations
When viewing this report, there are a few things you will want to keep in mind. While this report tries to capture the various changes that can happen within your membership numbers during a given time frame, there are still a few items that may not be represented in a column, but would still reflect as differences between your starting and ending numbers (as a reminder, your start and end counts are only active profiles - meaning that those counts will not include lapsed, deceased, or pending members).
For instance, if you have a member who is in lapsed status at the beginning of your range, that profile would not be reflected in your start count, since the profile was not active at that time. However, if that lapsed profile renews during your selected time range, they will be captured as a renewal in the renewals column, and then would appear in your end count - this is good to keep in mind during time frames where the join and added to MT columns of the report don't seem to add up to your end count - it's possible those additional profiles at the end are accounted for in your renewals.
Additionally, you will want to be mindful of some manual admin actions that can also affect the numbers, such as an admin manually putting a profile into into a status such as deceased, or moving profiles in and out of pending status - these will reflect in your end counts, but are not given specific columns within the table on the page.