One of the fundamental components of making your Job Board successful is establishing an engaged audience consisting of both Employers and Job Seekers in your industry. This can be done through delivering a regularly scheduled newsletter. Check out this recorded webinar for more Tactics and Tips for Getting Employers to Post Opportunities on Your Job Board.
We understand how difficult and time consuming this can be, so we've built a newsletter generator within our Job Board to do the hard work for you. At any time you can login to Job Board as an Admin to copy pre-defined HTML content with your latest jobs to easily distribute. Read below to get started today!
Copy HTML newsletter code
We'll send an email to the address listed under Manage > Settings > Site Configuration > Notification Email when 5 new jobs have been posted to your board. Whether you use the button at the bottom of that email or you go directly to your board, the first step is to login as an administrator.
Once logged in, navigate to Manage > Newsletter Generator.
From the Newsletter Generator console, you can either copy the pre-generated code immediately via the Copy My Newsletter Code button, or customize the message with the following options prior to copying:
- Include Newsletter Template Design: Check this box if you wish to include a header at the top of your message. Your organization's name will appear here on a grey background. This is helpful if you are not using another template with your branding in your email message.
- Customize Newsletter: By default, we include the 5 most recently posted jobs in the code, but if you wish to select specific jobs to display, you can do so here.
Once you're happy with the message, simply click Copy My Newsletter Code, then paste it into your email distribution tool (i.e. Contact Center in MC Professional).
Distribute via Contact Center
After you've copied the HTML, navigate to the MC Professional Contact Center to paste it in. Whether you're using an existing template, or our template, click the html icon to paste the copied content.
Once you click HTML, the source editor pictured below will open. You'll see code is already present in the editor.
Delete out this code and paste in your newsletter code, then click the green Update button. You'll then see your newsletter in your Contact Center.
Refer to this article for additional instructions on how to send a Contact Center message.