- Log in to Wild Apricot as an Admin (only a full account administrator can authorize external applications to access your Wild Apricot account).
- Go to Settings, then click Authorized Applications under "Integration"
- Click Authorize application.
- Choose Server application, and click Continue.
- Enter the Application name, for your own reference to identify to which application these credentials apply (for example, "Job Board" is fine)
- Set the API Key access to Full access
- Click "Generate Client Secret"
- Check "Authorize users via Wild Apricot single sign-on service"
- In the Trusted redirect domains field, enter the following with your default Wild Apricot domain (must be the default domain) in place of [domain]: https://[domain].mcjobboard.net - this will be the full URL of your new job board (for example https://abcgroup.mcjobboard.net).
- Click Save at the top of the screen.
Next, send your API authorization information to your MC Job Board representative (the same person who helped you sign up!). They will need the following information to complete setup:
- Your Wild Apricot organization name and URL
- Your Wild Apricot Account ID
- The API Key, Client ID, and Client Secret from the application authorization steps above.