What is it?
The MC Professional API Profile resource allows a 3rd party client to get the user's profile, get a single profile, and get a list of profiles.
A profile consists of field/value pairs where the field is the attribute name and the value is the profile value for that attribute. The attribute names of built-in and system attributes are surrounded by square brackets "[ ]" and custom attributes are not surrounded with brackets.
Built-in Attributes
Built-in attributes are a standard set of attributes that are available for every profile. Built-in attributes include the following types: name, contact name, email address, physical address, phone number and organization.
The name built-in attribute consists of a prefix, first name, middle name or middle initial, last name, and suffix.
- [Name | Prefix]: the name prefix. This field can be disabled for the organization.
- [Name | First]: the first name
- [Name | Middle]: the middle name or middle initial. This field can be disabled for the organization.
- [Name | Last]: the last name
- [Name | Suffix]: the name suffix. This field can be disabled for the organization.
Contact Name
- [Contact Name]: the contact name
Email Address
A profile can have multiple email built-in attributes and each attribute is identified with a label. This built-in attribute always has a "Primary" label and is configured with up to five custom labels. The following is the format of the attribute name:
- [Email | <label>]: the email address
Example: With two custom labels (Work, Home) the following would be the list of email address built-in attributes:
- [Email | Primary]: the primary email address
- [Email | Work]: the work email address
- [Email | Home]: the home email address
The address built-in attribute is made up of six parts: line 1, line 2, city, state, zip and country. A profile can have multiple address built-in attributes and each attribute is identified with a label. This built-in attribute always has a "Primary" label and is configured with up to five custom labels. The following is the format of the attribute name:
- [Address | <label> | Line 1]: the first line of the address
- [Address | <label> | Line 2]: the second line of the address
- [Address | <label> | City]: the address city
- [Address | <label> | State]: the address state/province name or abbreviation
- [Address | <label> | Zip]: the address zip code
- [Address | <label> | Country]: the address country name
Example: With three custom labels (Business, Home, Mailing) the following would be the list of address built-in attributes:
- [Address | Primary | Line 1]: the first line of the primary address
- [Address | Primary | Line 2]: the second line of the primary address
- [Address | Primary | City]: the primary address city
- [Address | Primary | State]: the primary address state/province name or abbreviation
- [Address | Primary | Zip]: the primary address zip code
- [Address | Primary | Country]: the primary address country name
- [Address | Business | Line 1]: the first line of the business address
- [Address | Business | Line 2]: the second line of the business address
- [Address | Business | City]: the business address city
- [Address | Business | State]: the business address state/province name or abbreviation
- [Address | Business | Zip]: the business address zip code
- [Address | Business | Country]: the business address country name
- [Address | Home | Line 1]: the first line of the home address
- [Address | Home | Line 2]: the second line of the home address
- [Address | Home | City]: the home address city
- [Address | Home | State]: the home address state/province name or abbreviation
- [Address | Home | Zip]: the home address zip code
- [Address | Home | Country]: the home address country name
- [Address | Mailing | Line 1]: the first line of the mailing address
- [Address | Mailing | Line 2]: the second line of the mailing address
- [Address | Mailing | City]: the mailing address city
- [Address | Mailing | State]: the mailing address state/province name or abbreviation
- [Address | Mailing | Zip]: the mailing address zip code
- [Address | Mailing | Country]: the mailing address country name
Phone Number
A profile can have multiple phone built-in attributes and each attribute is identified with a label. This built-in attribute always has a "Primary" label and is configured with up to five custom labels. The following is the format of the attribute name:
- [Phone | <label>]: the phone number
Example: With four custom labels (Home, Mobile, Office, Fax) the following would be the list of phone number built-in attributes:
- [Phone | Primary]: the primary phone number
- [Phone | Home]: the home phone number
- [Phone | Mobile]: the mobile phone number
- [Phone | Office]: the office phone number
- [Phone | Fax]: the fax phone number
- [Organization]: the organization name
System Attributes
System attributes are system level fields that are available for every profile.
- [Profile ID]: a unique number identifying this profile
- [Created Date]: the date and time the profile was created
- [Expiration Date]: the expiration date
- [Group]: the list of groups the profile belongs to
- [Join Date]: the join date
- [Last Renewal Date]: the date the profile was last renewed
- [Last Modified Date]: the date and time the profile was last modified
- [Member Status]: the member status
- [Member Number]: the member number
- [Member Type]: the member type the profile is assigned to
- [Username]: the username
- [Deleted]: true/false indicating if the profile is deleted
Custom Attributes
Custom attributes are attributes that are available to a profile based on the profile's member type. These attributes appear in the profile with the custom attribute name as the field name. Custom attributes include the following data types: country, date/time, file, image, number, selection set, state/province, text and website. The following is a list of the custom attribute data types and a description of the attribute value.
- Country: an array of country names
- Date/Time: a date only or date and time.
- File: the filename of the file
- Image: the filename of the image
- Number: a number
- Selection Set: an array of selection set options
- State/Province: an array of state/province names or abbreviations
- Text: text
- Website: website URL
Get the User's Profile
This resource returns the profile for the user that is logged in.
This resource is only supported for access tokens issued through the Authorization Code, Implicit, Resource Owner Password Credentials and Refresh Token grant types. An HTTP status 404 Not Found is returned if used with an access token issued through the Client Credentials grant type.
To access this resource, the access token must have the read scope.
This resource is available to users.
The list of attributes in the user's profile is restricted further by profile owner attribute security. An attribute will be included in the profile if the user has permission to view the attribute on their own profile.
The [Deleted] system attribute will be included in the profile if the user has the Profile Admin admin permission.
The request to get the user's profile is an HTTP GET to the /api/v1/profile/me endpoint. The following is the format of the request:
GET /api/v1/profile/me HTTP/1.1
Host: <orgId>.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>
Cache-Control: no-cache
- orgId: the MC Professional organization ID
- accessToken: the access token issued by the authorization server
Using the example values below, the following is the resulting request:
- orgId: apiexample
- accessToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NjgzMzYxNzIsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6IjEwMDEzOTg5NjUiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJyZWFkIl0sInNlcnZpY2VJZCI6NzM0MCwiYXV0aG9yaXRpZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9VU0VSIl0sInVzZXJJZCI6MTAwMTM5ODk2NSwianRpIjoiYWRjNTEzNzYtOTkzZS00OWQ2LTlhYTQtNGRhNDkwNjJkYjg4IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiOFpnWnhWOUI4cmR3VlhKOGx6dWgifQ.Ph1vLFYz-TEJRXlECBuY3-lf9FQTIFeniwYfoTLS--Q
GET /api/v1/profile/me HTTP/1.1
Host: apiexample.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NjgzMzYxNzIsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6IjEwMDEzOTg5NjUiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJyZWFkIl0sInNlcnZpY2VJZCI6NzM0MCwiYXV0aG9yaXRpZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9VU0VSIl0sInVzZXJJZCI6MTAwMTM5ODk2NSwianRpIjoiYWRjNTEzNzYtOTkzZS00OWQ2LTlhYTQtNGRhNDkwNjJkYjg4IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiOFpnWnhWOUI4cmR3VlhKOGx6dWgifQ.Ph1vLFYz-TEJRXlECBuY3-lf9FQTIFeniwYfoTLS--Q
Cache-Control: no-cache
A successful request will return an HTTP status 200 OK with the response in the following format:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<attributeName>: <attributeValue>
- attributeName: the built-in, system or custom attribute name
- attributeValue: the attribute value
The following is the response for the example request above:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"[Profile ID]": 1001398965,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Ms.",
"[Name | First]": "Lori",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Smith",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Lori Smith",
"[Email | Primary]": "lori.smith.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "lori.smith.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "lori.smith.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "0802 Chive Circle",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Clearwater",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Florida",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "33758",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "0802 Chive Circle",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Clearwater",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Florida",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "33758",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "89808 Hansons Crossing",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 085",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Carol Stream",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Illinois",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "60158",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "99115 Algoma Road",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 8720",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Las Cruces",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "New Mexico",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "88006",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "195-137-8968",
"[Phone | Home]": "195-137-8968",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "614-828-4119",
"[Phone | Office]": "621-454-1949",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Bubbletube",
"Birthday": "06/17/1981",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2002",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Duis at velit eu est congue elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante. Nulla justo. Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque. Mauris sit amet eros. Suspendisse accumsan tortor quis turpis. Sed ante.",
"School": "Winthrop University",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://tinyurl.com/ipsum/primis.jsp",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:20:54 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "03/24/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "12/03/1994",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "10/30/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:59:58 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 64,
"[Member Type]": "Associate",
"[Username]": "lsmith1o"
Get a Single Profile by Profile ID
This resource returns a single profile by profile ID.
To access this resource, the access token must have the read scope.
This resource is available to users.
The list of attributes in the profile is restricted further by attribute security. If the profile ID belongs to the user, the attributes are restricted by profile owner attribute security. An attribute will be included in the profile if the user has permission to view the attribute on the profile.
The [Deleted] system attribute will be included in the profile if the user has the Profile Admin admin permission. Users without the Profile Admin admin permission will not be able to retrieve a deleted profile.
The request to get the user's profile is an HTTP GET to the /api/v1/profile/<profileId> endpoint. The following is the format of the request:
GET /api/v1/profile/<profileId> HTTP/1.1
Host: <orgId>.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>
Cache-Control: no-cache
- profileId: the profile ID
- orgId: the MC Professional organization ID
- accessToken: the access token issued by the authorization server
Using the example values below, the following is the resulting request:
- profileId: 1001398943
- orgId: apiexample
GET /api/v1/profile/1001398943 HTTP/1.1
Host: apiexample.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
A successful request will return an HTTP status 200 OK with the response in the following format:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<attributeName>: <attributeValue>
- attributeName: the built-in, system or custom attribute name
- attributeValue: the attribute value
The following is the response for the example request above:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"[Profile ID]": 1001398943,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Mr.",
"[Name | First]": "Victor",
"[Name | Middle]": "Daniel",
"[Name | Last]": "Baker",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Victor Baker",
"[Email | Primary]": "victor.baker.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "victor.baker.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "victor.baker.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "61364 Sycamore Way",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Sacramento",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "California",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "94245",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "61364 Sycamore Way",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Sacramento",
"[Address | Business | State]": "California",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "94245",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "6 Prentice Point",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Albany",
"[Address | Home | State]": "New York",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "12227",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "018 Hauk Park",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 02187",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Honolulu",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Hawaii",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "96845",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "529-520-5568",
"[Phone | Home]": "529-520-5568",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "194-814-4670",
"[Phone | Office]": "357-856-3831",
"[Phone | Fax]": "135-583-4869",
"[Organization]": "Fiveclub",
"Birthday": "07/29/1983",
"Board Position": [
"Vice President"
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2015",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt. Nulla mollis molestie lorem.",
"School": "Healthcare Training Institute - Union",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://china.com.cn/ac/enim/in.html",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:20:31 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "02/20/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "03/02/1981",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "11/14/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 2:33:32 PM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 42,
"[Member Type]": "Student",
"[Username]": "vbaker12",
"[Deleted]": false
Get a List of Profiles
This resource returns a list of all profiles and supports paging parameters.
To access this resource, the access token must have the read scope.
This resource is available to users.
The attributes in the user's own profile are restricted further by profile owner attribute security. The list of attributes in other profiles are restricted further by attribute security. An attribute will be included in the profile if the user has permission to view the attribute on the profile.
The [Deleted] system attribute will be included in the profile if the user has the Profile Admin admin permission. Users without the Profile Admin admin permission will not be able to retrieve deleted profiles.
The request to get the list of all profiles is an HTTP GET to the /api/v1/profile endpoint. The following is the format of the request:
GET /api/v1/profile HTTP/1.1
Host: <orgId>.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>
Cache-Control: no-cache
- orgId: the MC Professional organization ID
- accessToken: the access token issued by the authorization server
Using the example values below, the following is the resulting request:
- orgId: apiexample
GET /api/v1/profile HTTP/1.1
Host: apiexample.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
A successful request will return an HTTP status 200 OK with the response in the following format:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"totalCount": <totalCount>,
"count": <count>,
"pageNumber": <pageNumber>,
"pageSize": <pageSize>,
"totalPageCount": <totalPageCount>,
"firstPageUrl": <firstPageUrl>,
"previousPageUrl": <previousPageUrl>,
"nextPageUrl": <nextPageUrl>,
"lastPageUrl": <lastPageUrl>,
"profiles": <profiles>
- totalCount: the total count of profiles on all pages
- count: the count of profiles on the current page
- pageNumber: the current page number. The default is 1 if not specified in the request.
- pageSize: the page size requested. The default is 10 if not specified in the request. The maximum page size is 100.
- totalPageCount: the total number of pages
- firstPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the first page
- previousPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the previous page. If the current page is the first page, this value is null.
- nextPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the next page. If the current page is the last page, this value is null.
- lastPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the last page
- profiles: the array of profiles on the current page. Each profile in the array contains a list of attribute names and values. Each profile also contains a [Profile URL] field. The Get a Single Profile by Profile ID section details how to use this URL.
The following is the response for the example request above:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"totalCount": 251,
"count": 10,
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 10,
"totalPageCount": 26,
"firstPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?pageNumber=1",
"previousPageUrl": null,
"nextPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?pageNumber=2",
"lastPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?pageNumber=26",
"profiles": [
"[Profile ID]": 1001399085,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Lillian",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Alexander",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Lillian Alexander",
"[Email | Primary]": "lillian.alexander.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "lillian.alexander.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "lillian.alexander.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "15053 Amoth Street",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 9",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Trenton",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "New Jersey",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "8619",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "15053 Amoth Street",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 9",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Trenton",
"[Address | Business | State]": "New Jersey",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "8619",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "648 Bay Lane",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Dallas",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Texas",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "75310",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "426 Rigney Point",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 50125",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "San Diego",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "California",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "92115",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "440-717-2137",
"[Phone | Home]": "440-717-2137",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "927-866-8458",
"[Phone | Office]": "120-697-1643",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Yata",
"Birthday": "01/28/1981",
"Board Position": [
"Vice President"
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1980",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Aenean sit amet justo. Morbi ut odio. Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo. In blandit ultrices enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin interdum mauris non ligula pellentesque ultrices. Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue. Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl.",
"School": "Phillips Theological Seminary",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://wsj.com/semper/interdum/mauris/ullamcorper/purus.js",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:23:00 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "06/21/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "01/31/2001",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "05/11/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:23:00 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 183,
"[Member Type]": "Student",
"[Username]": "lalexander4z",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399085"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399026,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Ruth",
"[Name | Middle]": "Lee",
"[Name | Last]": "Allen",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Ruth Allen",
"[Email | Primary]": "ruth.allen.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "ruth.allen.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "ruth.allen.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "4 Kings Parkway",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Dallas",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Texas",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "75265",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "4 Kings Parkway",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Dallas",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Texas",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "75265",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "20829 Sheridan Crossing",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "New Orleans",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Louisiana",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "70174",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "6552 Hintze Hill",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 6",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Washington",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "District of Columbia",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "20530",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "215-931-5785",
"[Phone | Home]": "215-931-5785",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "284-584-6104",
"[Phone | Office]": "672-471-6141",
"[Phone | Fax]": "539-220-7680",
"[Organization]": "Rhyloo",
"Birthday": "07/10/1979",
"Board Position": [
"Vice President"
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1984",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl. Nunc rhoncus dui vel sem. Sed sagittis. Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci. Nullam molestie nibh in lectus. Pellentesque at nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.",
"School": "Travel University International",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://gravatar.com/justo/aliquam/quis/turpis.js",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:02 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "03/22/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "02/21/1996",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "05/25/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:02 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 125,
"[Member Type]": "Student",
"[Username]": "rallen3d",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399026"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399056,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Mr.",
"[Name | First]": "Bobby",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Alvarez",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Bobby Alvarez",
"[Email | Primary]": "bobby.alvarez.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "bobby.alvarez.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "bobby.alvarez.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "22710 Delladonna Park",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 8",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Fort Smith",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Arkansas",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "72905",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "22710 Delladonna Park",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 8",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Fort Smith",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Arkansas",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "72905",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "89 Brentwood Street",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Kansas City",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Missouri",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "64130",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "97196 Bultman Place",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 382",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Bryan",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Texas",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "77806",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "550-192-8799",
"[Phone | Home]": "550-192-8799",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "988-131-2026",
"[Phone | Office]": "608-325-4664",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Muxo",
"Birthday": "02/24/1989",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2009",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet. Maecenas leo odio, condimentum id, luctus nec, molestie sed, justo. Pellentesque viverra pede ac diam. Cras pellentesque volutpat dui. Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam porttitor lacus at turpis. Donec posuere metus vitae ipsum. Aliquam non mauris.",
"School": "Moraine Valley Community College",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://list-manage.com/consequat/ut/nulla/sed.jsp",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:32 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "11/26/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "06/14/1983",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "07/21/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:32 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 154,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "balvarez46",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399056"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399011,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Ms.",
"[Name | First]": "Robin",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Armstrong",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Robin Armstrong",
"[Email | Primary]": "robin.armstrong.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "robin.armstrong.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "robin.armstrong.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "45616 Tony Junction",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 75926",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Kansas City",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Missouri",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "64179",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "45616 Tony Junction",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 75926",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Kansas City",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Missouri",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "64179",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "83795 Lotheville Crossing",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Trenton",
"[Address | Home | State]": "New Jersey",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "8608",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "4304 Colorado Point",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 09",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Toledo",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Ohio",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "43666",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "574-256-6807",
"[Phone | Home]": "574-256-6807",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "592-331-7722",
"[Phone | Office]": "411-733-8395",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Jaxspan",
"Birthday": "06/06/2014",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2001",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet. Maecenas leo odio, condimentum id, luctus nec, molestie sed, justo. Pellentesque viverra pede ac diam. Cras pellentesque volutpat dui. Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam. Suspendisse potenti.",
"School": "Saddleback College",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://fotki.com/a/pede/posuere/nonummy.jpg",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:47 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "09/06/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "09/21/1991",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "09/10/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:48 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 110,
"[Member Type]": "Associate",
"[Username]": "rarmstrong2y",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399011"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399050,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Anne",
"[Name | Middle]": "Andrew",
"[Name | Last]": "Arnold",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Anne Arnold",
"[Email | Primary]": "anne.arnold.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "anne.arnold.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "anne.arnold.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "10 Ryan Junction",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 050",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Merrifield",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Virginia",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "22119",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "10 Ryan Junction",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 050",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Merrifield",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Virginia",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "22119",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "13942 Thompson Street",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 42294",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Sioux Falls",
"[Address | Home | State]": "South Dakota",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "57105",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "7 Jenna Center",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 36738",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Migrate",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Kentucky",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "41905",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "950-328-5402",
"[Phone | Home]": "950-328-5402",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "587-544-9371",
"[Phone | Office]": "828-884-7454",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Photolist",
"Birthday": "03/13/1979",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1974",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius. Integer ac leo. Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio. Donec vitae nisi. Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.",
"School": "Inc.",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://admin.ch/tempus/vivamus/in.xml",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:26 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "01/16/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "08/19/1991",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "03/09/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:27 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 149,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "aarnold41",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399050"
"[Profile ID]": 1001398941,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Ernest",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Arnold",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Ernest Arnold",
"[Email | Primary]": "ernest.arnold.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "ernest.arnold.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "ernest.arnold.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "71 Chive Crossing",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 361",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Sterling",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Virginia",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "20167",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "71 Chive Crossing",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 361",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Sterling",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Virginia",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "20167",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "52 Fairview Pass",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 449",
"[Address | Home | City]": "New Orleans",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Louisiana",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "70179",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "25 Ryan Drive",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 1106",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Denver",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Colorado",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "80255",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "877-308-8986",
"[Phone | Home]": "877-308-8986",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "369-113-2716",
"[Phone | Office]": "277-686-9465",
"[Phone | Fax]": "534-788-3036",
"[Organization]": "Midel",
"Birthday": "02/23/1972",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1983",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Donec dapibus. Duis at velit eu est congue elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante. Nulla justo. Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque.",
"School": "APT College",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://newyorker.com/nisi/at/nibh/in/hac/habitasse/platea.json",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:20:29 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "12/08/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "03/11/1996",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "04/12/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:20:29 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 40,
"[Member Type]": "Associate",
"[Username]": "earnold10",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398941"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399040,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Louis",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Arnold",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Louis Arnold",
"[Email | Primary]": "louis.arnold.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "louis.arnold.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "louis.arnold.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "334 Stoughton Pass",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 0",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Detroit",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Michigan",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "48217",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "334 Stoughton Pass",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 0",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Detroit",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Michigan",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "48217",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "9 Holmberg Court",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 4468",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Salt Lake City",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Utah",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "84105",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "5912 North Way",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 99",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Atlanta",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Georgia",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "30340",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "636-383-2298",
"[Phone | Home]": "636-383-2298",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "392-742-1824",
"[Phone | Office]": "670-490-6652",
"[Phone | Fax]": "297-624-7332",
"[Organization]": "Fivechat",
"Birthday": "12/21/2004",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1988",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt. Nulla mollis molestie lorem. Quisque ut erat.",
"School": "The Children's Village",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://google.com/cursus/vestibulum.json",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:17 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "10/21/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "04/30/1971",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "03/22/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:18 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 139,
"[Member Type]": "Associate",
"[Username]": "larnold3r",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399040"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399008,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Larry",
"[Name | Middle]": "Thomas",
"[Name | Last]": "Austin",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Larry Austin",
"[Email | Primary]": "larry.austin.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "larry.austin.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "larry.austin.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "559 Orin Center",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Chandler",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Arizona",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "85246",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "559 Orin Center",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Chandler",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Arizona",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "85246",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "47095 Sullivan Court",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Louisville",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Kentucky",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "40210",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "0351 Marquette Circle",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 93",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Denver",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Colorado",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "80217",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "780-102-5163",
"[Phone | Home]": "780-102-5163",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "949-486-5651",
"[Phone | Office]": "565-614-7647",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Wikizz",
"Birthday": "01/05/1998",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2015",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Aenean fermentum. Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis. Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.",
"School": "Center for Service Support (CSS)",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://slate.com/orci/mauris/lacinia/sapien.js",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:44 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "05/26/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "01/28/1982",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "04/29/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:44 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 107,
"[Member Type]": "Student",
"[Username]": "laustin2v",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399008"
"[Profile ID]": 1001398919,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Sandra",
"[Name | Middle]": "Matthew",
"[Name | Last]": "Baker",
"[Name | Suffix]": "IV",
"[Contact Name]": "Sandra Baker",
"[Email | Primary]": "sandra.baker.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "sandra.baker.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "sandra.baker.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "8 Bonner Alley",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 75515",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Albany",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "New York",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "12242",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "8 Bonner Alley",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 75515",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Albany",
"[Address | Business | State]": "New York",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "12242",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "57 Bellgrove Point",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 06119",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Santa Ana",
"[Address | Home | State]": "California",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "92725",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "86142 John Wall Circle",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 72",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Reading",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Pennsylvania",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "19610",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "551-130-3979",
"[Phone | Home]": "551-130-3979",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "776-233-6569",
"[Phone | Office]": "132-676-1205",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Chatterbridge",
"Birthday": "01/15/1975",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1985",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Donec semper sapien a libero.",
"School": "Western Carolina University",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://ucla.edu/diam/cras/pellentesque/volutpat/dui.png",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:20:04 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "10/15/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "04/22/2012",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "06/10/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:20:05 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 19,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "sbakerf",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398919"
"[Profile ID]": 1001398943,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Mr.",
"[Name | First]": "Victor",
"[Name | Middle]": "Daniel",
"[Name | Last]": "Baker",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Victor Baker",
"[Email | Primary]": "victor.baker.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "victor.baker.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "victor.baker.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "61364 Sycamore Way",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Sacramento",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "California",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "94245",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "61364 Sycamore Way",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Sacramento",
"[Address | Business | State]": "California",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "94245",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "6 Prentice Point",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Albany",
"[Address | Home | State]": "New York",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "12227",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "018 Hauk Park",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 02187",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Honolulu",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Hawaii",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "96845",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "529-520-5568",
"[Phone | Home]": "529-520-5568",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "194-814-4670",
"[Phone | Office]": "357-856-3831",
"[Phone | Fax]": "135-583-4869",
"[Organization]": "Fiveclub",
"Birthday": "07/29/1983",
"Board Position": [
"Vice President"
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2015",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt. Nulla mollis molestie lorem.",
"School": "Healthcare Training Institute - Union",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://china.com.cn/ac/enim/in.html",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:20:31 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "02/20/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "03/02/1981",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "11/14/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 2:33:32 PM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 42,
"[Member Type]": "Student",
"[Username]": "vbaker12",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398943"
Request with Paging
The request to get the list of all profiles with paging is an HTTP GET to the /api/v1/profile endpoint. The following is the format of the request:
GET /api/v1/profile?pageNumber=<pageNumber>&pageSize=<pageSize> HTTP/1.1
Host: <orgId>.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>
Cache-Control: no-cache
- pageNumber (optional): the page number requested. The default is 1 if not specified.
- pageSize (optional): the page size requested. The default is 10 if not specified. The maximum page size is 100.
- orgId: the MemberClicks organization ID
- accessToken: the access token issued by the authorization server
Using the example values below, the following is the resulting request:
- pageNumber: 3
- pageSize: 5
- orgId: apiexample
GET /api/v1/profile?pageNumber=3&pageSize=5 HTTP/1.1
Host: apiexample.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
Response with Paging
A successful request will return an HTTP status 200 OK with the response in the following format:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"totalCount": <totalCount>,
"count": <count>,
"pageNumber": <pageNumber>,
"pageSize": <pageSize>,
"totalPageCount": <totalPageCount>,
"firstPageUrl": <firstPageUrl>,
"previousPageUrl": <previousPageUrl>,
"nextPageUrl": <nextPageUrl>,
"lastPageUrl": <lastPageUrl>,
"profiles": <profiles>
- totalCount: the total count of profiles on all pages
- count: the count of profiles on the current page
- pageNumber: the current page number. The default is 1 if not specified in the request.
- pageSize: the page size requested. The default is 10 if not specified in the request. The maximum page size is 100.
- totalPageCount: the total number of pages
- firstPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the first page
- previousPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the previous page. If the current page is the first page, this value is null.
- nextPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the next page. If the current page is the last page, this value is null.
- lastPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the last page
- profiles: the array of profiles on the current page. Each profile in the array contains a list of attribute names and values. Each profile also contains a [Profile URL] field. The Get a Single Profile by Profile ID section details how to use this URL.
The following is the response for the example request above:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"totalCount": 251,
"count": 5,
"pageNumber": 3,
"pageSize": 5,
"totalPageCount": 51,
"firstPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?pageSize=5&pageNumber=1",
"previousPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?pageSize=5&pageNumber=2",
"nextPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?pageSize=5&pageNumber=4",
"lastPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?pageSize=5&pageNumber=51",
"profiles": [
"[Profile ID]": 1001399071,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Chris",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Banks",
"[Name | Suffix]": "II",
"[Contact Name]": "Chris Banks",
"[Email | Primary]": "chris.banks.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "chris.banks.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "chris.banks.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "7 Lillian Park",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 96",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Los Angeles",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "California",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "90045",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "7 Lillian Park",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 96",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Los Angeles",
"[Address | Business | State]": "California",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "90045",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "64 Ramsey Center",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Reno",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Nevada",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "89505",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "0 Kingsford Hill",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 147",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Springfield",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Massachusetts",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "1152",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "539-430-6917",
"[Phone | Home]": "539-430-6917",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "567-278-3457",
"[Phone | Office]": "173-215-4367",
"[Phone | Fax]": "640-358-7485",
"[Organization]": "Wordify",
"Birthday": "08/04/1976",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1972",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam porttitor lacus at turpis. Donec posuere metus vitae ipsum. Aliquam non mauris. Morbi non lectus. Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.",
"School": "Limestone College",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://loc.gov/diam/nam/tristique/tortor/eu.json",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:47 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "08/30/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "09/26/1970",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "08/08/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:47 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 169,
"[Member Type]": "Associate",
"[Username]": "cbanks4l",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399071"
"[Profile ID]": 1001398908,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Mrs.",
"[Name | First]": "Denise",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Banks",
"[Name | Suffix]": "Sr.",
"[Contact Name]": "Denise Banks",
"[Email | Primary]": "denise.banks.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "denise.banks.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "denise.banks.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "95 Fremont Pass",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Albany",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "New York",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "12210",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "95 Fremont Pass",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Albany",
"[Address | Business | State]": "New York",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "12210",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "8456 Parkside Parkway",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 1945",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Spokane",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Washington",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "99210",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "9 Northport Place",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 7",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Peoria",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Illinois",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "61651",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "327-686-3625",
"[Phone | Home]": "327-686-3625",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "897-485-2528",
"[Phone | Office]": "964-269-6587",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Gabvine",
"Birthday": "02/28/1970",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1970",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Aliquam non mauris. Morbi non lectus. Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet. Nullam orci pede, venenatis non, sodales sed, tincidunt eu, felis. Fusce posuere felis sed lacus. Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl. Nunc rhoncus dui vel sem. Sed sagittis.",
"School": "Truett-McConnell College",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://shop-pro.jp/ut.json",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:19:52 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "11/25/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "10/08/1985",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "03/18/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:19:53 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 8,
"[Member Type]": "Associate",
"[Username]": "dbanks4",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398908"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399078,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Edward",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Banks",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Edward Banks",
"[Email | Primary]": "edward.banks.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "edward.banks.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "edward.banks.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "169 Boyd Alley",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Springfield",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Massachusetts",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "1129",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "169 Boyd Alley",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Springfield",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Massachusetts",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "1129",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "823 Bartelt Alley",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 1283",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Silver Spring",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Maryland",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "20904",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "9 Spohn Alley",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 15428",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Madison",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Wisconsin",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "53726",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "871-737-4827",
"[Phone | Home]": "871-737-4827",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "622-228-4113",
"[Phone | Office]": "990-257-9077",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Browsezoom",
"Birthday": "08/16/2000",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1994",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Integer ac leo. Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio. Donec vitae nisi. Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla. Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus. Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus. Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum. Mauris ullamcorper purus sit amet nulla.",
"School": "Central Baptist Theological Seminary",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://mozilla.org/nulla/tellus/in/sagittis.html",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:53 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "02/15/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "04/28/1987",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "03/05/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:53 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 176,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "ebanks4s",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399078"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399029,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Andrew",
"[Name | Middle]": "Marie",
"[Name | Last]": "Bishop",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Andrew Bishop",
"[Email | Primary]": "andrew.bishop.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "andrew.bishop.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "andrew.bishop.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "92 Orin Lane",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Jacksonville",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Florida",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "32209",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "92 Orin Lane",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Jacksonville",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Florida",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "32209",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "48 South Circle",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Odessa",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Texas",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "79764",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "3 Vidon Park",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 9",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Richmond",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Virginia",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "23228",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "800-805-2023",
"[Phone | Home]": "800-805-2023",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "936-366-7105",
"[Phone | Office]": "422-382-1762",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Blognation",
"Birthday": "04/16/1997",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1971",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Quisque ut erat. Curabitur gravida nisi at nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.",
"School": "Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://flavors.me/dolor/morbi.aspx",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:05 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "06/14/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "02/13/2012",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "02/11/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:05 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 128,
"[Member Type]": "Student",
"[Username]": "abishop3g",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399029"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399003,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Diane",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Black",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Diane Black",
"[Email | Primary]": "diane.black.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "diane.black.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "diane.black.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "0361 David Junction",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 28508",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Wichita",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Kansas",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "67215",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "0361 David Junction",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 28508",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Wichita",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Kansas",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "67215",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "57648 American Center",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Alexandria",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Louisiana",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "71307",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "7 Norway Maple Center",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 034",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Naperville",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Illinois",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "60567",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "575-257-8747",
"[Phone | Home]": "575-257-8747",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "948-370-8869",
"[Phone | Office]": "569-663-8643",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Pixoboo",
"Birthday": "11/02/2013",
"Board Position": [
"Vice President"
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1999",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Vestibulum quam sapien, varius ut, blandit non, interdum in, ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis faucibus accumsan odio. Curabitur convallis. Duis consequat dui nec nisi volutpat eleifend. Donec ut dolor. Morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus. Mauris enim leo, rhoncus sed, vestibulum sit amet, cursus id, turpis.",
"School": "Lewis University",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://hud.gov/tempus/vivamus/in/felis.html",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:38 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "04/20/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "02/06/1989",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "09/15/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:39 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 102,
"[Member Type]": "Associate",
"[Username]": "dblack2q",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399003"
Get a List of Profiles by Profile IDs
This resource returns a list of profiles for a specified list of profile IDs. The maximum number of profile IDs supported is 100.
To access this resource, the access token must have the read scope.
This resource is available to users.
The attributes in the user's own profile are restricted further by profile owner attribute security. The list of attributes in other profiles are restricted further by attribute security. An attribute will be included in the profile if the user has permission to view the attribute on the profile.
The [Deleted] system attribute will be included in the profile if the user has the Profile Admin admin permission. Users without the Profile Admin admin permission will not be able to retrieve deleted profiles.
The request to get the list of all profiles is an HTTP GET to the /api/v1/profile endpoint. The following is the format of the request:
GET /api/v1/profile?id=<profileId1>&id=<profileId2>&id=<profileId3>... HTTP/1.1
Host: <orgId>.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>
Cache-Control: no-cache
- profileId1, profileId2, profileId3...: the requested profile IDs. The maximum number of profile IDs supported is 100.
- orgId: the MemberClicks organization ID
- accessToken: the access token issued by the authorization server
Using the example values below, the following is the resulting request:
- profileId1: 1001398983
- profileId2: 1001398915
- profileId3: 1001399002
- orgId: apiexample
GET /api/v1/profile?id=1001398983&id=1001398915&id=1001399002 HTTP/1.1
Host: apiexample.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
A successful request will return an HTTP status 200 OK with the response in the following format:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"totalCount": <totalCount>,
"profiles": <profiles>
- totalCount: the total count of profiles on all pages
- profiles: the array of profiles on the current page. Each profile in the array contains a list of attribute names and values. Each profile also contains a [Profile URL] field. The Get a Single Profile by Profile ID section details how to use this URL.
The following is the response for the example request above:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"totalCount": 3,
"profiles": [
"[Profile ID]": 1001398983,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Lawrence",
"[Name | Middle]": "Belle",
"[Name | Last]": "Dunn",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Lawrence Dunn",
"[Email | Primary]": "lawrence.dunn.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "lawrence.dunn.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "lawrence.dunn.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "15811 Bartelt Avenue",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 1606",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Akron",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Ohio",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "44305",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "15811 Bartelt Avenue",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 1606",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Akron",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Ohio",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "44305",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "742 Fieldstone Trail",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Garden Grove",
"[Address | Home | State]": "California",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "92844",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "4 Warrior Plaza",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 8",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Rochester",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "New York",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "14683",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "354-264-7982",
"[Phone | Home]": "354-264-7982",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "403-611-3692",
"[Phone | Office]": "319-250-7370",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Photobug",
"Birthday": "02/13/2003",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1980",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Praesent blandit lacinia erat. Vestibulum sed magna at nunc commodo placerat.",
"School": "Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Morristown",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://icq.com/congue.html",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:14 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "08/08/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "03/29/1999",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "03/31/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:14 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 82,
"[Member Type]": "Associate",
"[Username]": "ldunn26",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "http://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398983"
"[Profile ID]": 1001398915,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Dr.",
"[Name | First]": "Katherine",
"[Name | Middle]": "Andrew",
"[Name | Last]": "Montgomery",
"[Name | Suffix]": "II",
"[Contact Name]": "Katherine Montgomery",
"[Email | Primary]": "katherine.montgomery.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "katherine.montgomery.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "katherine.montgomery.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "39 Grasskamp Street",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Jefferson City",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Missouri",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "65105",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "39 Grasskamp Street",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Jefferson City",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Missouri",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "65105",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "3 Prairieview Plaza",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Nashville",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Tennessee",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "37210",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "2777 Logan Court",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 6",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Mc Keesport",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Pennsylvania",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "15134",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "546-848-4881",
"[Phone | Home]": "546-848-4881",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "983-188-4689",
"[Phone | Office]": "817-446-4391",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Chatterbridge",
"Birthday": "09/28/2011",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1987",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo. In blandit ultrices enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin interdum mauris non ligula pellentesque ultrices. Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue. Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl. Aenean lectus. Pellentesque eget nunc. Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.",
"School": "Colorado Northwestern Community College",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://cdc.gov/venenatis/tristique/fusce/congue/diam/id.xml",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:20:00 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "01/17/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "11/18/1986",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "04/15/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 4:49:34 PM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 15,
"[Member Type]": "Student",
"[Username]": "kmontgomeryb",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "http://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398915"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399002,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Craig",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Williams",
"[Name | Suffix]": "IV",
"[Contact Name]": "Craig Williams",
"[Email | Primary]": "craig.williams.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "craig.williams.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "craig.williams.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "79 Rieder Junction",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 9",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Albuquerque",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "New Mexico",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "87201",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "79 Rieder Junction",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 9",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Albuquerque",
"[Address | Business | State]": "New Mexico",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "87201",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "42460 Hauk Parkway",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 335",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Austin",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Texas",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "78715",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "9 New Castle Crossing",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 82",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Sacramento",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "California",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "94280",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "992-358-5023",
"[Phone | Home]": "992-358-5023",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "999-763-9193",
"[Phone | Office]": "443-477-8038",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Skyble",
"Birthday": "07/28/1981",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1986",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Etiam pretium iaculis justo.",
"School": "Brightwood Career Institute",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://geocities.com/in/est/risus/auctor/sed/tristique.aspx",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:38 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "11/13/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "03/14/2010",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "02/10/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:38 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 101,
"[Member Type]": "Associate",
"[Username]": "cwilliams2p",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "http://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399002"
Get a List of Profiles by Search ID
This resource returns a list of profiles for a search ID and supports paging parameters. This resource is used to return the profile search results after creating a profile search. The Create a Profile Search section details how to create a profile search and generate search ID.
To access this resource, the access token must have the read scope.
This resource is available to users.
The attributes in the user's own profile are restricted further by profile owner attribute security. The list of attributes in other profiles are restricted further by attribute security. An attribute will be included in the profile if the user has permission to view the attribute on the profile.
The [Deleted] system attribute will be included in the profile if the user has the Profile Admin admin permission. Users without the Profile Admin admin permission will not be able to retrieve deleted profiles.
The request to get the list of profiles by search ID is an HTTP GET to the /api/v1/profile endpoint. The following is the format of the request:
GET /api/v1/profile?searchId=<searchId> HTTP/1.1
Host: <orgId>.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>
Cache-Control: no-cache
- searchId: the search ID
- orgId: the MemberClicks organization ID
- accessToken: the access token issued by the authorization server
Using the example values below, the following is the resulting request:
- searchId: 1fbd3aa8-c02c-4627-9d59-ff900eebd43f
- orgId: apiexample
GET /api/v1/profile?searchId=1fbd3aa8-c02c-4627-9d59-ff900eebd43f HTTP/1.1
Host: apiexample.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
A successful request will return an HTTP status 200 OK with the response in the following format:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"totalCount": <totalCount>,
"count": <count>,
"pageNumber": <pageNumber>,
"pageSize": <pageSize>,
"totalPageCount": <totalPageCount>,
"firstPageUrl": <firstPageUrl>,
"previousPageUrl": <previousPageUrl>,
"nextPageUrl": <nextPageUrl>,
"lastPageUrl": <lastPageUrl>,
"expireDate": <expireDate>,
"profiles": <profiles>
- totalCount: the total count of profiles on all pages
- count: the count of profiles on the current page
- pageNumber: the current page number. The default is 1 if not specified in the request.
- pageSize: the page size requested. The default is 10 if not specified in the request. The maximum page size is 100.
- totalPageCount: the total number of pages
- firstPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the first page
- previousPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the previous page. If the current page is the first page, this value is null.
- nextPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the next page. If the current page is the last page, this value is null.
- lastPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the last page
- expireDate: the date and time that the search expires. The profile search expires in one hour and is reset every time the search ID is used.
- profiles: the array of profiles on the current page. Each profile in the array contains a list of attribute names and values. Each profile also contains a [Profile URL] field. The Get a Single Profile by Profile ID section details how to use this URL.
The following is the response for the example request above:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"totalCount": 84,
"count": 10,
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 10,
"totalPageCount": 9,
"firstPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?searchId=1fbd3aa8-c02c-4627-9d59-ff900eebd43f&pageNumber=1",
"previousPageUrl": null,
"nextPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?searchId=1fbd3aa8-c02c-4627-9d59-ff900eebd43f&pageNumber=2",
"lastPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?searchId=1fbd3aa8-c02c-4627-9d59-ff900eebd43f&pageNumber=9",
"expireDate": "07/13/2016 7:59:33 AM",
"profiles": [
"[Profile ID]": 1001399056,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Mr.",
"[Name | First]": "Bobby",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Alvarez",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Bobby Alvarez",
"[Email | Primary]": "bobby.alvarez.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "bobby.alvarez.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "bobby.alvarez.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "22710 Delladonna Park",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 8",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Fort Smith",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Arkansas",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "72905",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "22710 Delladonna Park",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 8",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Fort Smith",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Arkansas",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "72905",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "89 Brentwood Street",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Kansas City",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Missouri",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "64130",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "97196 Bultman Place",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 382",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Bryan",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Texas",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "77806",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "550-192-8799",
"[Phone | Home]": "550-192-8799",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "988-131-2026",
"[Phone | Office]": "608-325-4664",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Muxo",
"Birthday": "02/24/1989",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2009",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet. Maecenas leo odio, condimentum id, luctus nec, molestie sed, justo. Pellentesque viverra pede ac diam. Cras pellentesque volutpat dui. Maecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam porttitor lacus at turpis. Donec posuere metus vitae ipsum. Aliquam non mauris.",
"School": "Moraine Valley Community College",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://list-manage.com/consequat/ut/nulla/sed.jsp",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:32 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "11/26/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "06/14/1983",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "07/21/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:32 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 154,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "balvarez46",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399056"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399050,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Anne",
"[Name | Middle]": "Andrew",
"[Name | Last]": "Arnold",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Anne Arnold",
"[Email | Primary]": "anne.arnold.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "anne.arnold.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "anne.arnold.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "10 Ryan Junction",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 050",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Merrifield",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Virginia",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "22119",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "10 Ryan Junction",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 050",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Merrifield",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Virginia",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "22119",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "13942 Thompson Street",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 42294",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Sioux Falls",
"[Address | Home | State]": "South Dakota",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "57105",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "7 Jenna Center",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 36738",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Migrate",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Kentucky",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "41905",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "950-328-5402",
"[Phone | Home]": "950-328-5402",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "587-544-9371",
"[Phone | Office]": "828-884-7454",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Photolist",
"Birthday": "03/13/1979",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1974",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius. Integer ac leo. Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio. Donec vitae nisi. Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.",
"School": "Inc.",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://admin.ch/tempus/vivamus/in.xml",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:26 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "01/16/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "08/19/1991",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "03/09/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:27 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 149,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "aarnold41",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399050"
"[Profile ID]": 1001398919,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Sandra",
"[Name | Middle]": "Matthew",
"[Name | Last]": "Baker",
"[Name | Suffix]": "IV",
"[Contact Name]": "Sandra Baker",
"[Email | Primary]": "sandra.baker.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "sandra.baker.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "sandra.baker.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "8 Bonner Alley",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 75515",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Albany",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "New York",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "12242",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "8 Bonner Alley",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 75515",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Albany",
"[Address | Business | State]": "New York",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "12242",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "57 Bellgrove Point",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 06119",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Santa Ana",
"[Address | Home | State]": "California",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "92725",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "86142 John Wall Circle",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 72",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Reading",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Pennsylvania",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "19610",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "551-130-3979",
"[Phone | Home]": "551-130-3979",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "776-233-6569",
"[Phone | Office]": "132-676-1205",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Chatterbridge",
"Birthday": "01/15/1975",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1985",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Donec semper sapien a libero.",
"School": "Western Carolina University",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://ucla.edu/diam/cras/pellentesque/volutpat/dui.png",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:20:04 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "10/15/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "04/22/2012",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "06/10/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:20:05 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 19,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "sbakerf",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398919"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399078,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Edward",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Banks",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Edward Banks",
"[Email | Primary]": "edward.banks.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "edward.banks.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "edward.banks.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "169 Boyd Alley",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Springfield",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Massachusetts",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "1129",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "169 Boyd Alley",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Springfield",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Massachusetts",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "1129",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "823 Bartelt Alley",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 1283",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Silver Spring",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Maryland",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "20904",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "9 Spohn Alley",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 15428",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Madison",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Wisconsin",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "53726",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "871-737-4827",
"[Phone | Home]": "871-737-4827",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "622-228-4113",
"[Phone | Office]": "990-257-9077",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Browsezoom",
"Birthday": "08/16/2000",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1994",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Integer ac leo. Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio. Donec vitae nisi. Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla. Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus. Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus. Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum. Mauris ullamcorper purus sit amet nulla.",
"School": "Central Baptist Theological Seminary",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://mozilla.org/nulla/tellus/in/sagittis.html",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:53 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "02/15/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "04/28/1987",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "03/05/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:53 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 176,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "ebanks4s",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399078"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399005,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Mrs.",
"[Name | First]": "Alan",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Boyd",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Alan Boyd",
"[Email | Primary]": "alan.boyd.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "alan.boyd.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "alan.boyd.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "3203 Commercial Place",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Atlanta",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Georgia",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "30336",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "3203 Commercial Place",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Atlanta",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Georgia",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "30336",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "60924 Myrtle Street",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "San Antonio",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Texas",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "78245",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "182 West Avenue",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 0022",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Denver",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Colorado",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "80243",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "575-406-9918",
"[Phone | Home]": "575-406-9918",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "101-794-4477",
"[Phone | Office]": "995-297-2033",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Oyoyo",
"Birthday": "09/08/1978",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2003",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Proin eu mi. Nulla ac enim. In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem.",
"School": "Multnomah University",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://t.co/morbi/non/quam/nec/dui/luctus.xml",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:40 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "10/28/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "04/13/1982",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "02/19/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:41 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 104,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "aboyd2s",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399005"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399070,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Mrs.",
"[Name | First]": "Michelle",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Brooks",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Michelle Brooks",
"[Email | Primary]": "michelle.brooks.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "michelle.brooks.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "michelle.brooks.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "7 Mesta Way",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Pittsburgh",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Pennsylvania",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "15266",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "7 Mesta Way",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Pittsburgh",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Pennsylvania",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "15266",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "9 Homewood Parkway",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Brockton",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Massachusetts",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "2305",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "4417 Westport Terrace",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 67185",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Spokane",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Washington",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "99210",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "382-642-3869",
"[Phone | Home]": "382-642-3869",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "894-616-4759",
"[Phone | Office]": "955-735-1912",
"[Phone | Fax]": "304-996-2371",
"[Organization]": "Tambee",
"Birthday": "08/06/1997",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1998",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.",
"School": "University of Dayton",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://redcross.org/eget.html",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:46 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "06/13/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "08/31/1985",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "02/25/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:22:46 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 168,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "mbrooks4k",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399070"
"[Profile ID]": 1001398982,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Aaron",
"[Name | Middle]": "Grace",
"[Name | Last]": "Burke",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Aaron Burke",
"[Email | Primary]": "aaron.burke.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "aaron.burke.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "aaron.burke.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "61 Monterey Plaza",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 72194",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Denver",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Colorado",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "80209",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "61 Monterey Plaza",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 72194",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Denver",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Colorado",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "80209",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "062 Stang Drive",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Chicago",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Illinois",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "60619",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "4041 Bellgrove Plaza",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 406",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Madison",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Wisconsin",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "53716",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "352-979-9465",
"[Phone | Home]": "352-979-9465",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "142-722-9834",
"[Phone | Office]": "478-541-7027",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Yotz",
"Birthday": "07/08/2014",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2002",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Nulla justo. Aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales scelerisque. Mauris sit amet eros. Suspendisse accumsan tortor quis turpis.",
"School": "Metropolitan Career Center Computer Technology Institute",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://discuz.net/ligula/in/lacus/curabitur/at/ipsum.html",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:13 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "06/15/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "04/07/2001",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "08/20/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:14 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 81,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "aburke25",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398982"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399150,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Mrs.",
"[Name | First]": "Julia",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Burns",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Julia Burns",
"[Email | Primary]": "julia.burns.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "julia.burns.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "julia.burns.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "0538 Golf View Terrace",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Charleston",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "West Virginia",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "25326",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "0538 Golf View Terrace",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Charleston",
"[Address | Business | State]": "West Virginia",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "25326",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "3412 Donald Court",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 156",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Clearwater",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Florida",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "34629",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "5733 Chinook Avenue",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 12",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "El Paso",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Texas",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "79928",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "729-827-7168",
"[Phone | Home]": "729-827-7168",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "934-371-2544",
"[Phone | Office]": "556-454-7055",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Skyndu",
"Birthday": "02/06/2009",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1983",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla. Sed accumsan felis. Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius. Integer ac leo. Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio. Donec vitae nisi. Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.",
"School": "SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://nhs.uk/nulla.jsp",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:24:00 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "10/17/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "11/19/1975",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "09/06/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:24:00 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 247,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "jburns6r",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399150"
"[Profile ID]": 1001398911,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Brenda",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Burton",
"[Name | Suffix]": "Sr.",
"[Contact Name]": "Brenda Burton",
"[Email | Primary]": "brenda.burton.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "brenda.burton.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "brenda.burton.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "4098 Shopko Circle",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 2976",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Columbus",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Ohio",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "43268",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "4098 Shopko Circle",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 2976",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Columbus",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Ohio",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "43268",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "71150 Veith Avenue",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Philadelphia",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Pennsylvania",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "19131",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "8 Merry Way",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 9",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Reston",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Virginia",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "20195",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "608-102-4935",
"[Phone | Home]": "608-102-4935",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "141-252-8938",
"[Phone | Office]": "184-873-2167",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Tavu",
"Birthday": "08/15/1983",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2006",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Morbi non lectus. Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet. Nullam orci pede, venenatis non, sodales sed, tincidunt eu, felis. Fusce posuere felis sed lacus. Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl. Nunc rhoncus dui vel sem. Sed sagittis. Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci. Nullam molestie nibh in lectus.",
"School": "Last Minute Cuts School of Barbering & Cosmetology",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://sina.com.cn/sed/justo.aspx",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:19:56 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "10/03/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "11/21/1977",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "11/04/2015",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:19:57 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 11,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "bburton7",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398911"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399094,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Tammy",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Burton",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Tammy Burton",
"[Email | Primary]": "tammy.burton.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "tammy.burton.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "tammy.burton.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "59184 Thackeray Junction",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Louisville",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Kentucky",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "40233",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "59184 Thackeray Junction",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Louisville",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Kentucky",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "40233",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "07375 Oxford Place",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Cumming",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Georgia",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "30130",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "073 Pepper Wood Place",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 7",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "El Paso",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Texas",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "88525",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "125-648-1928",
"[Phone | Home]": "125-648-1928",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "802-306-5424",
"[Phone | Office]": "262-476-9440",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Feedspan",
"Birthday": "06/26/2004",
"Board Position": [
"Vice President"
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2011",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.",
"School": "Braxton School of Business",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://joomla.org/in/faucibus/orci.json",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:23:08 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "04/26/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "04/05/1975",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "03/15/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:23:09 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 192,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "tburton58",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399094"
Request with Paging
The request to get the list of profiles by search ID with paging is an HTTP GET to the /api/v1/profile endpoint. The following is the format of the request:
GET /api/v1/profile?searchId=<searchId>&pageNumber=<pageNumber>&pageSize=<pageSize> HTTP/1.1
Host: <orgId>.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>
Cache-Control: no-cache
- searchId: the search ID
- pageNumber (optional): the page number requested. The default is 1 if not specified.
- pageSize (optional): the page size requested. The default is 10 if not specified. The maximum page size is 100.
- orgId: the MemberClicks organization ID
- accessToken: the access token issued by the authorization server
Using the example values below, the following is the resulting request:
- searchId: d48b2090-903d-4d59-bb7d-f56c70da1bf1
- pageNumber: 3
- pageSize: 5
- orgId: apiexample
GET /api/v1/profile?searchId=d48b2090-903d-4d59-bb7d-f56c70da1bf1&pageNumber=3&pageSize=5 HTTP/1.1
Host: apiexample.memberclicks.net
Accept: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
Response with Paging
A successful request will return an HTTP status 200 OK with the response in the following format:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"totalCount": <totalCount>,
"count": <count>,
"pageNumber": <pageNumber>,
"pageSize": <pageSize>,
"totalPageCount": <totalPageCount>,
"firstPageUrl": <firstPageUrl>,
"previousPageUrl": <previousPageUrl>,
"nextPageUrl": <nextPageUrl>,
"lastPageUrl": <lastPageUrl>,
"expireDate": <expireDate>,
"profiles": <profiles>
- totalCount: the total count of profiles on all pages
- count: the count of profiles on the current page
- pageNumber: the current page number. The default is 1 if not specified in the request.
- pageSize: the page size requested. The default is 10 if not specified in the request. The maximum page size is 100.
- totalPageCount: the total number of pages
- firstPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the first page
- previousPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the previous page. If the current page is the first page, this value is null.
- nextPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the next page. If the current page is the last page, this value is null.
- lastPageUrl: the URL to retrieve the last page
- expireDate: the date and time that the search expires. The profile search expires in one hour ahead and is reset every time the search ID is used.
- profiles: the array of profiles on the current page. Each profile in the array contains a list of attribute names and values. Each profile also contains a [Profile URL] field. The Get a Single Profile by Profile ID section details how to use this URL.
The following is the response for the example request above:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"totalCount": 84,
"count": 5,
"pageNumber": 3,
"pageSize": 5,
"totalPageCount": 17,
"firstPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?searchId=d48b2090-903d-4d59-bb7d-f56c70da1bf1&pageSize=5&pageNumber=1",
"previousPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?searchId=d48b2090-903d-4d59-bb7d-f56c70da1bf1&pageSize=5&pageNumber=2",
"nextPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?searchId=d48b2090-903d-4d59-bb7d-f56c70da1bf1&pageSize=5&pageNumber=4",
"lastPageUrl": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile?searchId=d48b2090-903d-4d59-bb7d-f56c70da1bf1&pageSize=5&pageNumber=17",
"expireDate": "07/13/2016 9:27:45 AM",
"profiles": [
"[Profile ID]": 1001399143,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Dr.",
"[Name | First]": "Judith",
"[Name | Middle]": "Michael",
"[Name | Last]": "Carr",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Judith Carr",
"[Email | Primary]": "judith.carr.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "judith.carr.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "judith.carr.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "619 Clove Avenue",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 29281",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Fairbanks",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Alaska",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "99790",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "619 Clove Avenue",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 29281",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Fairbanks",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Alaska",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "99790",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "5 Lukken Place",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 96597",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Beaufort",
"[Address | Home | State]": "South Carolina",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "29905",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "7 Linden Court",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 0",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Phoenix",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Arizona",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "85062",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "871-490-1686",
"[Phone | Home]": "871-490-1686",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "616-237-1936",
"[Phone | Office]": "364-814-2534",
"[Phone | Fax]": "890-825-9526",
"[Organization]": "Riffpedia",
"Birthday": "02/26/2005",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1970",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Sed sagittis. Nam congue, risus semper porta volutpat, quam pede lobortis ligula, sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci. Nullam molestie nibh in lectus. Pellentesque at nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.",
"School": "Tri-State Barber College",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://dion.ne.jp/tincidunt/eu/felis/fusce/posuere/felis.html",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:23:54 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "05/28/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "03/15/1989",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "12/17/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:23:55 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 240,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "jcarr6k",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399143"
"[Profile ID]": 1001398900,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Ms.",
"[Name | First]": "Gregory",
"[Name | Middle]": "Jade",
"[Name | Last]": "Carroll",
"[Name | Suffix]": "Jr.",
"[Contact Name]": "Gregory Carroll",
"[Email | Primary]": "gregory.carroll.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "gregory.carroll.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "gregory.carroll.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "7426 Sage Point",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 652",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Metairie",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Louisiana",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "70005",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "7426 Sage Point",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 652",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Metairie",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Louisiana",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "70005",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "38076 Michigan Trail",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 72",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Salt Lake City",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Utah",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "84120",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "7 Scott Plaza",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 41938",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Ogden",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Utah",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "84409",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "159-114-8791",
"[Phone | Home]": "159-114-8791",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "136-124-2580",
"[Phone | Office]": "979-511-3673",
"[Phone | Fax]": "851-100-1941",
"[Organization]": "Flashdog",
"Birthday": "12/26/2009",
"Board Position": [
"Vice President"
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1998",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam vel augue. Vestibulum rutrum rutrum neque. Aenean auctor gravida sem. Praesent id massa id nisl venenatis lacinia.",
"School": "Columbia College of Nursing",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://edublogs.org/metus/aenean/fermentum/donec.jpg",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:11:49 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "08/01/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "05/23/1975",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "09/16/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:11:50 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 3,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "gcarroll0",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398900"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399116,
"[Name | Prefix]": "Dr.",
"[Name | First]": "Michael",
"[Name | Middle]": "Edward",
"[Name | Last]": "Castillo",
"[Name | Suffix]": "Jr.",
"[Contact Name]": "Michael Castillo",
"[Email | Primary]": "michael.castillo.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "michael.castillo.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "michael.castillo.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "6 Anzinger Court",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 42",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Pittsburgh",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Pennsylvania",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "15279",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "6 Anzinger Court",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 42",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Pittsburgh",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Pennsylvania",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "15279",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "6 4th Way",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Albany",
"[Address | Home | State]": "Georgia",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "31704",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "1 Roth Road",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 12009",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "New York City",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "New York",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "10175",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "840-310-3899",
"[Phone | Home]": "840-310-3899",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "352-271-8588",
"[Phone | Office]": "249-663-2286",
"[Phone | Fax]": "267-217-8968",
"[Organization]": "Gabvine",
"Birthday": "10/04/1975",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "1971",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Donec dapibus.",
"School": "Martinez School of Cosmetology",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://cbc.ca/elementum/nullam.xml",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:23:30 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "12/20/2018",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "06/18/2000",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "08/22/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:23:30 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 213,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "mcastillo5t",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399116"
"[Profile ID]": 1001399091,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Richard",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Castillo",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Richard Castillo",
"[Email | Primary]": "richard.castillo.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "richard.castillo.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "richard.castillo.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "50 5th Avenue",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 8964",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Virginia Beach",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "Virginia",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "23459",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "50 5th Avenue",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 8964",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Virginia Beach",
"[Address | Business | State]": "Virginia",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "23459",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "703 Monica Terrace",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 93",
"[Address | Home | City]": "San Jose",
"[Address | Home | State]": "California",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "95173",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "62244 7th Pass",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 9",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Madison",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Wisconsin",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "53726",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "297-917-8131",
"[Phone | Home]": "297-917-8131",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "481-350-3850",
"[Phone | Office]": "140-534-9640",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Topdrive",
"Birthday": "06/30/1977",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2007",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Nulla ac enim. In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem. Duis aliquam convallis nunc. Proin at turpis a pede posuere nonummy. Integer non velit. Donec diam neque, vestibulum eget, vulputate ut, ultrices vel, augue.",
"School": "Tri-County Health Department",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "https://hugedomains.com/dolor/vel/est/donec/odio/justo.jpg",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:23:05 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "12/25/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "09/20/1989",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "11/26/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:23:06 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 189,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "rcastillo55",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001399091"
"[Profile ID]": 1001398981,
"[Name | Prefix]": "",
"[Name | First]": "Mildred",
"[Name | Middle]": "",
"[Name | Last]": "Cook",
"[Name | Suffix]": "",
"[Contact Name]": "Mildred Cook",
"[Email | Primary]": "mildred.cook.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Work]": "mildred.cook.work@memberclicks.com",
"[Email | Home]": "mildred.cook.home@memberclicks.com",
"[Address | Primary | Line 1]": "9872 Shopko Road",
"[Address | Primary | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 6",
"[Address | Primary | City]": "Los Angeles",
"[Address | Primary | State]": "California",
"[Address | Primary | Zip]": "90071",
"[Address | Primary | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Business | Line 1]": "9872 Shopko Road",
"[Address | Business | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 6",
"[Address | Business | City]": "Los Angeles",
"[Address | Business | State]": "California",
"[Address | Business | Zip]": "90071",
"[Address | Business | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Home | Line 1]": "79 Twin Pines Park",
"[Address | Home | Line 2]": "",
"[Address | Home | City]": "Greenville",
"[Address | Home | State]": "South Carolina",
"[Address | Home | Zip]": "29610",
"[Address | Home | Country]": "United States",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 1]": "2194 Oneill Avenue",
"[Address | Mailing | Line 2]": "P.O. Box 98",
"[Address | Mailing | City]": "Philadelphia",
"[Address | Mailing | State]": "Pennsylvania",
"[Address | Mailing | Zip]": "19172",
"[Address | Mailing | Country]": "United States",
"[Phone | Primary]": "552-182-8085",
"[Phone | Home]": "552-182-8085",
"[Phone | Mobile]": "976-920-8030",
"[Phone | Office]": "515-364-2741",
"[Phone | Fax]": "",
"[Organization]": "Quimm",
"Birthday": "09/03/1991",
"Board Position": [
"Certificate": "",
"Country": [
"United States"
"Gender": [
"Graduation Year": "2008",
"Image": "",
"Notes": "Pellentesque at nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam vel augue. Vestibulum rutrum rutrum neque. Aenean auctor gravida sem.",
"School": "Rhode Island Hospital",
"Sports": [
"State": [
"Website": "http://goo.ne.jp/suscipit/ligula.jpg",
"[Created Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:12 AM",
"[Expiration Date]": "09/16/2017",
"[Group]": [
"[Join Date]": "09/21/2012",
"[Last Renewal Date]": "04/18/2014",
"[Last Modified Date]": "07/12/2016 9:21:13 AM",
"[Member Status]": "Active",
"[Member Number]": 80,
"[Member Type]": "Member",
"[Username]": "mcook24",
"[Deleted]": false,
"[Profile URL]": "https://apiexample.memberclicks.net/api/v1/profile/1001398981"